Skylight Publishing

Skylight Publishing is an independent publisher of computer science and mathematics textbooks. It was founded in 1997 by textbook authors Maria Litvin and Gary Litvin and is located in Andover, Massachusetts.
In 1996, the Litvins wrote a high school AP Computer Science textbook entitled C++ for You++. After their book was rejected by every educational publisher in the country, the Litvins decided to self-publish it, and Skylight Publishing was born.
In 1999, following the success of C++ for You++, the Litvins went on to write and publish through Skylight a review book entitled Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam, now in its fourth edition. Two years later, when the AP Computer Science program switched to Java, Skylight published the Java Methods series. The latest edition is 2nd AP Edition (2011). Skylight has also published books by other authors, including Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam (2005, second edition 2011), which was written by teachers Mark Howell and Martha Montgomery and features contributions by other members of the AP Calculus community. Skylight’s latest book is Mathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python (2008). The second edition came out in 2010.
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