Evil Friends

Evil Friends is the seventh studio album by indie rock band Portugal. The Man, slated for release on June 4, 2013. The album is the band's second with Equal Vision Records. Danger Mouse served as producer on the album.
The first single for the album, "Evil Friends," was released on March 7, 2013.
Track Listing
# Plastic Soldiers
# Creep In A T-Shirt
# Evil Friends
# Modern Jesus
# Hip Hop Kids
# Atomic Man
# Sea of Air
# Waves
# Holy Roller (Hallelujah)
# Someday Believers
# Purple Yellow Red and Blue
# Smile
* John Baldwin Gourley - vocals, guitar
* Kane Ritchotte - drums
* Kyle O'Quin - keyboard, vocals
* Zachary Scott Carothers - bass, vocals
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