Skirmish at Telstar

Skirmish at Telstar

Telstar was a ship in David Feintuch's fictional Seafort Saga, some time in 2193 it was ravenged by an alien attack and left with no survivors in Between Detour and Earth.

The battle

Some time after the attack on Telstar U.N.S Hibernia under the captaincy of Nicholas Seafort fused right next to Telstar an Alien or "fish" was hidden behind the hull of Telstar at the time.
Nicholas Seafort and a party of sailors known to include Mr Howard, Mr Brant and Mr Ulak went across on the Ships Gig, leaving Vax Holser in command of Hibernia once on Telstar the party split up to search the ship Mr Ulak And Mr Howard stayed together to go and search the Engine Room.
Seafort was searching the ship when he encounted an Alien, mankind had never before found any life form in space.
Seafort gave orders over the radio for the sailors to get back to the gig. nick was left behind when he ordered them to fly to back to Hibernia without waiting for him. Nick had a T-Suit on, a kind of Jet-pack, and Propeled himself towards Hibernia. then the fish moved out from behind The Hull of Telstar the fish, its skin made of acid, launched a glob of acid toward the Gig killing all the sailor's in it. Nicolas told Vax to Fuse hibernia away from the site of Telstar Vax pretended not to hear. The fish launched a projectile at the ship. Vax fired laser's at the fish possibly killing it. Nick managed to jet into Hibernia and Vax fused away.
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