Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday is the Sunday immediately following the Thanksgiving holiday. The theme of Sharing Sunday is to reduce consumption by promoting re-use and sharing of any possessions.
Peer-to-peer sharing
Peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing is an accepted and growing form of collaborative use of goods and services. It is rooted in the fundamentals of peer-to-peer networks, building on existing communities wherein inherent trust exists. Relying upon a distributed inventory of goods which are owned and used by peers or sub-entities within a larger community, P2P encourages reuse and increased access and utilization of assets over individual ownership or consumerism.
“Sharing is to ownership what the iPod is to the eight-track, what the solar panel is to the coal mine. Sharing is clean, crisp, urbane, postmodern; owning is dull, selfish, timid, backward.”
“I don’t want stuff, I want the needs or experiences it fulfills! This is fueling massive shift, where usage trumps possession.”
“I believe it will be referred to as a revolution, so to speak, when society, faced with great challenges, makes a seismic shift from individual getting and spending toward the rediscovery of collective good.” - Rachel Botsman, Author What’s Mine is Yours, at TEDx Sydney, May 2010
“With all the lawn mowers, table saws, and complete collections of CSI DVDs sitting around gathering dust in the shadowy corners of our homes, you would think the idea to rent out unused stuff would have come sooner. Especially as we inch our way out of the recession with the mantra, ‘frugality is the new black!’” - Lydia Dishman, Fast Company, June 2010
”The first wave of Internet innovation helped people connect to information. The second connected people to each other. The next is about connecting people to stuff. This could be the biggest shift yet. The organizing principles of the Internet are now restructuring our material world moving us from an ownership to an access economy.”
Neal Gorenflo, Sharable Magazine, October 2010
“People are looking for ways of living that are more sustainable - not only environmentally sustainable, but economically and personally sustainable. One of the most sustainable choices we can make is sharing” Janelle Orsi, The Sharing Solution, 2009
Origin and history
Sharing Sunday was created in 2010 by the founding team of Inspiration for creating Sharing Sunday was the success of Black Friday and, recently, Small Business Saturday. Sharing Sunday exists to raise awareness for P2P sharing through the efforts of organizations, businesses, and individuals working toward building more resilient, environmentally and socially responsible communities. All are encouraged to share something (e.g. an item, service, or unused space) with family, friends, or the community on this day.
Initial support was obtained through founder Punsri Abeywickrema’s social networking campaign with recognition from several organizations including:,,,,, and San Francisco-based Hayes Valley Farm. These organizations first joined hands with over the Thanksgiving holiday to promote Sharing Sunday in 2010.
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