
Skoosh is a word from the Scots Language (Scotland) meaning EASY performed or easily flowing. Example of use is to state something was a skoosh or is a skoosh.
Skoosh can also be related to the noise of something moving quickly and easily.
Scots words have been used around various parts of Scotland for centuries. Many words derive from Scottish Gaelic, Viking (Scandinavian), French (badly pronounced) and other local Scottish dialects.
Many people suggest words used in Scotland along with the English language that are not directly native to Scottish Gaelic language are Scottish slang but this is incorrect considering the historical facts surrounding the use of words and the historical culture of Scotland.
Scots words have often made their way into other languages around the world and are quite often incorrectly used. In fact, the use of words such as Skoosh within an educational environment will be corrected for old fashioned teachings for the use of proper English. Although, the new Curriculum for Excellence within Scottish education acknowledges the Scots language and promotes the use of Scots within poetry and the arts.
Skoosh remains in use in Scotland today and forms part of a Scots tongue full of history.
More recent times have seen an English company use the word within a web address: and for selling hotel rooms and the use of the word skoosh is unclear.
Other websites use the word skoosh in the context of the Scots tongue, namely: and
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