
Schitz is something that has always been in existence. Schitz was not created by any one person or group of people, one Andrew Hatch, and one Michael Bosco simply gave it a name.
Comes from the english word "Schizophrenia," which is derived from the latin terms "Schiz" (Split) and "Phren" (Mind). Since the introduction of the electromagnetic spectrum, we humans have learned that what we can touch, smell, see, and hear with our 5 senses makes up less than one millionth of reality. Therefore, we do not know what makes up the rest of reality and how that counteracts or balances out the reality of which we know. This means that the rest of reality may cancel out or build upon the reality of which we all know, thus creating the possibility that it doesn't exist at all.
The term "Schitz" is used abstractly and as a paradox because, since we do not know what makes up reality and its effects on the reality humans can sense, the closest one can get to explaining it all is in a paradoxical form. It is and it isn't.
Influences/Similar Philosophies
*Azwethinkweizm, See [http://en. .org/wiki/Enjoy_Incubus "Enjoy Incubus"] album by [http://en. .org/wiki/Incubus_(band)"Incubus"]
*Sacred Geometry, See [http://en. .org/wiki/Drunvalo_Melchizedek "Drunvalo Melchizedek"] and [http://en. .org/wiki/Forty_Six_%26_2 "Forty Six & 2"] song by [http://en. .org/wiki/Tool_(band) "Tool"]
*Jungian Psychology, See [http://en. .org/wiki/Shadow_(psychology) "Shadow"] and [http://en. .org/wiki/Jungian_psychology "Jungian Psychology"] created by [http://en. .org/wiki/Carl_Jung "Carl Jung"]
*[http://en. .org/wiki/Alex_Grey "Alex Grey"] Artwork and Spiritual Beliefs
More Information
Schitz is used as a name for the aspects of reality we cannot perceive as humans. Even without knowledge of Schitz, Schitz is acting upon you. Schitz is a paradox and cannot be described as anything else. Because we have no way of expressing Schitz except that it is and isn't, it is impossible to know what Schitz is exactly, and how it is acting upon objects of our Perceived Reality, which may not be what we truly perceive it to be.
Related Terms
*Schitzin'- a term used when one does not feel quite in tact with their typical Perceived Reality. Also used to describe the behavior of one while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
*Skatz: basically another way of expressing Schitz, harsher sounding and usually said in a screeching way to simply exclaim knowledge of Schitz.
*Sal: an inner force within all of us, Sal is who you are when you are Schitzin'. Sal is what allows you to perceive reality around you and allows knowledge of Schitz into your mind. Sal is what is within us that allows us to grasp the paradoxical concept of schitz, what allows us to some extent to perceive the imperceivable. Without a sal, one is merely a slave to one particular perceived reality.
*Schizophrenaphobia: the fear of Schizophrenia. To some degree, all humans are Schizophrenic, therefore if one person had come to terms with this, but was also Schizophrenaphobic, it is possible, in theory, that he/she would be split into many different entities all of which would exhibit a different personality trait of the original whole person.
The Book of Schitz
The Book of Schitz is a collaboration between many people who have knowledge of Schitz. It consists of explanation, derivations, axioms, and guidelines for protection and advancement into further knowledge of Schitz, as well as theories on the perception of Schitz and ways to hypothetically tap into one's Sal to use the full energy and potential that he/she is capable of.
Schitz Axiom #1) What is is not all, and all that is not is.
Schitz Axiom #2) To understand, one must accept that they do not understand.
Schitz Axiom #3) Schitz is not to be created, for it has always existed. Yet that existence itself is a contradiction to it's being, therefore it is, was, never and always will be creating itself.
Please note that it is impossible to know if Schitz is real or not, since there is no way to truly prove that what we perceive is or isn't all reality. This is simply a theory thought of by many and acknowledged by few.
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