The Green Light Wiki is not actually a wiki, but a homepage for several wikis made with "Green Light Wiki Software". These wikis are:
* The Carl Jung Exegesis Wiki - (website) - For exploring unusual books about Jungian psychology. * The Improv Wiki - (website) - All about improvisational comedy. * The Heuristic Wiki - (website) - The art and science of discovery. * The Lenore Thomson Exegesis Wiki - (website) - (an attempt to explore and understand Lenore Thomson's ideas, as expressed in her book Personality Type: An Owner's Manual) * The Practical Wisdom Wiki - (website) - For sharing what we've learned about how to live well. * The Sophistry Wiki - (website) - An attempt to understand sophistry. * The Test Wiki - (website) - (for testing the software) - For testing the Green Light Wiki software. * The Travel Stories Wiki - (website) - A wiki for sharing your great and small adventures while traveling. Hosted by RobertAbitbol.
The host of these wikis is Ben Kovitz. He has an interesting connection with the history of .