Samal De Silva

Samal De Silva was a Sri Lankan leftist political activist. Samal De Silva was the Chairman of the Ceylon Motor Workers Union and the Vice President of the Ceylon Trade Union Federation in 1960s.
In April 1963, A. M. P. John and Samal De Silva were sent to China by Ceylon Communist Party to participate in the May Day Rally in China.
He also went to Albania with N. Sanmugathasanon behalf of . In 1968 he fought against the UNP Government interference in CTB.
In 1978, for the reason that the , led by N. Sanmugathasan, issued a public statement in defiance of the decision of the Central Committee not to accept the decision of the Tamils self-determination and reject the Three Worlds Theory , many including Samal De Silva, K.A. Subramaniam , S.K. Senthivel left the party and formed a new political party called the .
From 1965, when several hundreds of members and carders who had joined the Party because it was a revolutionary Party became dissatisfied with the Party leadership and began to quit the Party and became isolated individuals. K.A. Subramaniam joined the other comrades who decided to stay in the Party and were confident that they could build up the Party anew, on the correct lines.
Samal De Silva and the others who continued to stay in the Party which had N. Sanmugathasan as its General Secretary, were forced to change their position in 1978, at a special Party Conference which was summoned in the middle of 1978, though a full report incorporating correct ideological, political and organisational standpoints was presented under the leadership of K.A. Subramaniam and debated, the report was not accepted and arbitrary decisions - were taken. In this background, Party members who had assembled from various parts of Sri Lanka decided to form a separate party. K.A. Subramaniam accepted the proposal with much reluctance and came forward to implement it resolutely.
A statement was released by Samal De Silva and K.A. Subramaniam dated 3 July 1978 about the Conference. At that Conference it was resolved that the new party should be named , and till a Party Congress was held, and an interim Organising Committee was chosen by the Conference, K.A. Subramaniam was elected Secretary of the Committee.
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