Rostechnadzor Permit

Rostechnadzor Permit for especially dangerous industrial objects.
Especially dangerous industrial object (EIO) - is the industry where different kinds of emergency situations (incidents) are possible. Different incidents and disasters at industry may have significant consequences and multiple aspects of harm:
* For health and life of humans (the system of labor protection is responsible for this sphere);
* For property of organizations engaged into EIO;
* For the environment that relates to the sphere of ecological safety.
In Russia the sphere of industrial safety deals with the issues of technological security, safety engineering and control of using dangerous materials.
According to the Russian legislation EIO may be presented by an enterprise, its separate department, a ground. The peculiarities of EIO are as follows:
* Receiving or turnover (i.e. performing of different procedures and operations) with dangerous materials;
* Using at an object of stationary load lifting mechanisms as well as rope roads, funiculars or escalators;
* Performing mountain operations;
* Performing underground operations, performing enrichment works with natural resources;
* Using the equipment, having the heating temperature over 115 Celsius.;
* Using the equipment under the pressure over 0.07 MPa;
* Using melted color and black metals.
The legislation gives the characteristics of what materials may be related to dangerous materials:
* toxic;
* flammable;
* explosive;
* combustible;
* highly toxic;
* oxidizing;
* materials, harmful for environment.
Registration of especially dangerous objects
In order that EIO could operate legally, it is mandatory to draw up a number of permissive documents.
For each EIO the organization itself performs identification of a dangerous industrial object. The given procedure and its results are used by the state registration of object in the special registry and by the mandatory signing of insurance contracts for EIO. The registration bodies, i.e. territorial branches of the Rostechnadzor keep the State Registry.
Besides, each EIO must have drawn up license of the Rostechnadzor. The EIO license proves that the exploited object conforms to the requirements of industrial safety. Only having of the License of the Rostechnadzor for EIO may give the right to the owner to introduce into exploitation a dangerous industrial object. It is the next step after registration of EIO in the State Registry. By this different kinds of licenses depending on the characteristics of the EIO may be considered:
The license of chemical dangerous objects;
The license of explosive and fire dangerous objects;
The license for performing expertise of industrial safety
The Rostechnadzor Permit
The permit for constructing and using the technical devices for the EIOs registered in the State Registry are drawn up by the Federal Service of technological and atomic control and such kind of a document is called the Rostechndazor Permit for application.
The spheres of powers for drawing up the Rostechnadzor Permits are divided among the territorial bodies and the central apparatus of the Federal Service by Act 632 on 17 September 2007. The Central Apparatus issues the Permit of the Rostechnadzor for the serial production and imported equipment. The territorial bodies of the Service draw up the Permits for the party or the separate bit of equipment.
The Rostechnadzor Permit is regulated by the Administrative Reglament of the Service introduced by Act 112 on 29 February 2008. Appendix 2 of the given Reglament provides the certain kinds of technical devices for which it is necessary to have the Rostechnadzor Permit drawn up in the Central Apparatus and the equipment for construction of which at EIO it is possible to draw up the permissive document in local bodies of the Rostechnadzor.
Act 112 provides the signs according to which an industrial object is related to a dangerous industrial object.
When drawing up the Rostechnadzor Permit for Application of an imported device, much attention is paid to the fact that the imported equipment meets the requirements of industrial safety of the RF. In the case of non-conformity, the applicant must additionally present recommendations for measurements that will provide the normative level of safety. Such measurements including the program of tests may contain additional tests of samples of imported production, alterations introduced into technical documentation, additional obligatory calculations and other measures.
There is a number of certain requirements to the package of documents that the applicant must present for drawing up the Rostechnadzor Permit.
The mandatory things are industrial expertise and its conclusion. It presents the process of evaluating the conformity of the object to the requirements of industrial safety which are set depending on the type of the object.
The industrial expertise is performed in the authorized laboratory in accordance with the kind of control listed in the Attestation of Authorization. These may be the following directions:
* Systems of gas consumption and distribution;
* Cox-chemical and metallurgic productions and objects;
* Object of oil-processing and oil-chemic industry ;
* Chemically dangerous objects;
* Objects of oil and gas extracting;
* Explosive objects used for plant raw materials;
* Objects of non-mine and mine industry;
* Heating devices and networks;
* Objects of transporting of dangerous materials;
* Objects of boiler control;
* Lifting constructions;
* Objects of highway pipe transport;
* Explosive and flammable objects,
* Equipment operating under pressure.
The term of the Rostechnadzor Permit by serial production of technical devices is 5 years. If a manufacturer acts as an applicant so the Rostechnadzor Permit is valid for any quantity of production correspondingly manufactured on the territory of Russia
If the applicant for receiving the Rostechnadzor Permit is the exploiting organization, i.e. it draws up the document for the party or one-time technical device, the term of the Permit is set equal to the resource of exploitation. When the Permit is drawn up, it must be introduced into exploitation within 3 years.
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