Roland Legrand

Roland Legrand was born in a North Parisian suburb on June 13, 1950 at 6:02 pm, under the sign of Gemini with an Ascendant in Scorpio. The Sun is in “House VIII”, in his natal chart, partly explaining his innate interest in occult sciences in general and of course, astrology…

He began the study of astrology in the early seventies, in Australia, where he lives since December 1969. Several years of practice were necessary before he decided to synthesize his acquired knowledge of the subject and adapt astrology to his own intentions: professional consulting and teaching.

He began to actually consult in 1977 and, thanks to an propitious encounter with an American writer based in Queensland, Australia, Roland Legrand founded ABLAS in December 1982 at the business registrar in Brisbane, Australia.

ABLAS stands for A Better Life Astrology School, which is dedicated to teaching astrology by correspondence both in English and French languages.

Roland Legrand’s aim is essentially to contribute to the progress of this science, through teaching, consulting, researching and writing.

To this day, three of his books have been published (in French) by two different publishers, GRANCHER and PARDES.

He also writes for a French magazine (NUMEROLOGIA) and for L’EST REPUBLICAIN, a daily provincial newspaper in eastern France.

Below is a chronological list of special events in Roland Legrand’s life.

December 1969 - Departure to Australia
1974/75 - Begins the study of astrology
1977 - Begins professional consulting
1980 - Analyses Elvis Presley’s birth chart in a book called “Le Roi Elvis” by Jean-Yves Rogale, Mengès publisher, Paris 1981
1981 - Begins to write his astrology course
December 1982 - Founds ABLAS in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
1988 - Moves back to France following his father in law’s sudden death
1990 - Translates his astrology from English into French
September 1990 - Founds ABLAS France
1992 - Writes the interpretation texts to an astrology software called PARACELSE, by Daniel Sagnes.
1993 - Starts to write for the daily newspaper L’EST REPUBLICAN an astrological supplement of about thirty pages published early in January each year ever since
1993 - Starts to write for NUMEROLOGIA a quarterly specialized French magazine
1995 to 1998, writes for a dozen regional daily newspapers
1995 - Begins to write for VOUS ET VOTRE AVENIR a French monthly specialized magazine February 1997 - Returns to Australia to live, after a ten-year spell.
1999 - Begins to write for L’OFFICIEL DE LA VOYANCE, another specialized magazine that is now only available on the Internet.
June 2001 - Sign a contract with a French publisher “Editions Grancher” in Paris for the publication of L’ASTROLOGY AU QUOTIDIEN, an Horary astrology “user’s manual”
2002 and 2003 - Writes two special Horoscope editions for VOICI, a well-known Parisian weekly magazine
2005 - Prepares a series of books and writes extensively until late in 2006
February 2007 - Publication of a second book, this time by Editions Pardès in France: LE COUPLE IDEAL EN ASTROLOGY
February 2008 - Publication of a third book by Edition pardès in France: L’ASTROLOGIE KARMIQUE


ASTROLOGY COURSE (16 lessons - 300 pages -English and French)
TRANSITS (150 pages - English and French)
THE TECHNIQUE OF SOLAR RETURN (186 pages - English and French)
CORRELATIVE ASTROLOGY (100 pages - English and French)
MEDICAL ASTROLOGY (125 pages - English and French)
WORLD ASTROLOGY (125 pages - English and French)
CHILD ASTROLOGY (150 pages - English and French)
INTERPRETING THE BIRTH CHART (150 pages - English and French)
INTERPRETING TRANSITS (150 pages - English and French)
SYNASTRIES (100 pages - English and French)
Chiron and Vesta in astrological interpretation (150 pages - French only)
HORARY ASTROLOGY (120 pages - English and French)
DAILY ASTROLOGY (L’Astrologie Au Quotidien) Grancher Editions - Paris, March 2002
THE IDEAL COUPLE IN ASTROLOGY (Le Couple Idéal En Astrology) Pardès Editions - February 2007
KARMIC ASTROLOGY (L’Astrology Karmique) Pardès Editions - February 2008
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