River water disputes in Telangana state

Some Andhra politicians and leaders, who oppose Telangana state, expressed concerns that river water disputes may arise with the formation of Telangana state, but Telangana leaders said those fears are baseless. The new Telangana state comprising the areas of Telangana in erstwhile Hyderabad / Nizam state would be formed in to a separate state consisting of 10 districts of present Telangana region. Group of ministers on Telangana are looking into all the issues related to the formation of Telangana state including the water issues.
Here are various tribunals and allocations related to rivers in Andhra Pradesh.
Interstate River Water Disputes Act
Godavari river waters.
Krishna river water disputes tribunal award
The Bachawat tribunal allotted 811, 734 & 585 tmc to Andhra Pradesh (AP), Karnataka & Maharashtra respectively for use in any water year at 100% success rate totalling to 2160 tmc out of the 2578 tmc average yearly availability in the river. The tribunal final order (clause vii a) says that states can build up carry over storage capacity for use in the deficit water years when the water availability is below 2130 tmc to achieve the permitted water use in all the years. Thus the left out unallocated average water is 448 tmc in the river. Nearly 360 tmc water is diverted outside the Krishna river basin in Andhra area (TB HLC, KC canal, NS RBC & Krishna delta) for irrigation use out of 811 tmc allocation to AP. Nearly 90 tmc Godavari water is presently diverted to Krishna basin in Telangana area by Manjira drinking water supply to Hyderabad city (10 tmc), Kakatiya Canal from Pochampadu dam (60 tmc) and Devadula lift irrigation (20 tmc). Pranahita Chevella lift canal (100 tmc), Dummugudam Rajiv & Indira lift canals in Khammam & Warangal districts (20 tmc) for using Godavari water in Krishna basin area of Telangana are also under construction.
Krishna river water allocations to Telangana
Out of the 811 tmc permanent water allocations to AP, nearly 263 tmc (130 tmc by medium & minor irrigation projects, 100 tmc by NS LBC from Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir, 15 tmc from Rajolibanda barrage & 17. 2 tmc from Jurala project) is used in Telangana area as recommended by Bachawat Tribunal.
Sharing water storages
Bachawat tribunal allocated 180 tmc to Krishna Delta, 280 tmc to Nagarjuna sagar left & right canals, 33 tmc as evaporation loss in Srisailam for keeping 150 tmc carry over storage capacity and 4 tmc to Guntur channel originating from Prakasam barrage totaling to 497 tmc. In addition Srisailam reservoir is also used for meeting firm allocation to Srisailam right bank canal (11tmc), KC canal (40 tmc) and Chennai water supply project (15 tmc). The total firm allocated water consumption is 562 tmc from these three reservoirs.
Presently the gross storage capacities of Srisailam, Nagarjuna Sagar & Pulichintala reservoirs are 312 tmc, 215 tmc & 45 tmc respectively at full reservoir levels totaling to 572 tmc. Minimum 72 tmc is dead storage capacity below their river sluice gates which cannot be utilized and also to be spared for moderate silt accumulation. Thus the maximum storage capacity of these reservoirs is 500 tmc with the operation of river sluice gates to serve 562 tmc yearly water use allocations and 150 tmc carryover storage by Bachawat tribunal. Nearly 60 tmc is identified as water flows at 75% dependability from the catchment area downstream of Pulicintala dam. Most of this water (nearly 40 tmc) is joining the sea unused as flood water in the absence of adequate storage reservoir in Paller and Munner river sub basins located in Telangana area (Khammam & Warangal districts).
Sharing hydro power from joint projects
Bachawat tribunal has made water allocations on en masse/bulk basis and not project wise giving full flexibility to states in whatever way they want to use the allocated water but yearly water use should not exceed the allocation limit. It can happen that the total allocations to Andhra / Telangana may be used totally from Srisailam reservoir and water could be transferred from Godavari river in to Srisailam (900 MW) and Nagarjuna Sagar (700 MW) reservoirs by running the hydro units in pumping mode for meeting water uses and building up the carryover storage capacity. All the hydro power capacity located at joint dam sites (river based) at Srisailam, Nagarjuna Sagar, NS tail pond & Pulichintala shall be shared between Andhra & Telangana states in proportion to the Krishna water firm allocations. Pumping needs would be given top priority followed by peaking power and last preference to run off (secondary) power generation.
Godavari river water sharing
Telangana region alone is planning to use more than 300 tmc from Godavari river in Devadula (30 tmc), Pranhita Chevalla (150 tmc), Kanthalapalli (50 tmc), Yellampally (30 tmc), Kinnerasani, Komarambheem (11 tmc), Dummugudem Rajiv & Indira lift irrigation schemes (30 tmc), Lower penganga and other projects whereas the total firm allotment for new projects by Godavari tribunal award shall not exceed 300 tmc in AP (both Telangana & Andhra together). The completed projects including Taliperu, Puskaram lift, Tadipudi lift, etc. projects and ongoing/future Polavaram, lower Sileru, etc. projects in Seemandra also need more than 300 tmc.
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