Rick Rat

Rick Rat was the predecessor of .

The original Chuck E. Cheese costume was discovered by Chuck E. Cheese franchise owner Nolan Bushnell at the IAAPA. (The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) Bushnell spotted a group of people selling walk-around costumes. He bought a suit from them, thinking it was a gray coyote suit, but it was actually a gray rat. Bushnell decided on the name 'Rick Rat' for the suit. Originally going to name the pizzeria he was working on 'Coyote Pizza', Bushnell changed the name to 'Rick Rat's Pizza'.
The Marketing Department was strongly opposed to the new name, protesting that a rat would not be a good mascot for a restaurant. In their opinion, rats were dirty, and it just wasn't a good connection to make.
Bushnell eventually came up with 'Chuck E. Cheese' as the mascot's name.
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