Private property sign

A private property sign is a sign that tells people to keep out because it is private property.
The earliest known usage of the private property sign was in the 17th century when an old witch who lived alone kept getting too many guests and wanted people to leave her in peace. She cast a magic spell to create a private property sign. People then decided to stay away because the house of the old witch was now private property.
The second known usage of the private property sign, and the first time a private property sign was created without the use of magic, was in the 18th century when a lumberjack had a secret house for hiding his extra wood. Because he wasn't magical like the witch, he had to manually build a private property sign for his secret house. Because of the private property sign, nobody entered his secret house, to see what was inside.
Good things about private property signs
If you want people to keep out, just put up a private property sign. They will stay away because you've told them that it is private property.
Bad things about private property signs
If you want to enter somewhere, you can't because if a private property sign is present, it is private property, so you must keep out.
Buying a private property sign
Go to a shop, but make sure that the shop is only selling private property signs and not actually telling you, yourself, to keep out.
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