Flow Festival

The Flow Festival has been described as undefinable. This wiki page is a collection of experiences and attempts to describe what Flow entails.
The Festival
Flow, as it is affectionately called, is now an annual celebration of positivity and empowerment. It takes place organically, no designated date or location. The celebration brings together musicians, DJs, artists, activists, and creative people from all walks of life. Admission is by donation of time, money, or talent. The celebration itself is built by everyone who attends. Each person who comes is asked to contribute in some way big or small. This could be something as small as dancing and having a good time, or as large as setting up an entire area that provides a service to the other people attending. All are important roles and all people make Flow worth going.
Flow is a grass roots festival started by some creative Calgarians with the intent to create an amazing experience put on by people who wanted to share their talents. It was rooted in altering people's perspective of the world and how to spend their time. Ultimately the three creators of the festival wanted people leaving, thinking, "I am a beautiful human being and I can create this world to be a better place".
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