
In the fictional Warcraft Universe, Rhonin is a powerful human mage of the Kirin Tor.

He was instrumental in breaking the power of the Orcs at the end of the Second War by freeing the Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from her imprisonment by the Orc Warlock Nekros Skullcrusher, who used the Demon Soul to keep her prisoner.

He was assisted in this mission by the High Elven ranger Vereesa Windrunner (sister of Sylvannas), the warrior Dwarf Falstad, and the dragon-mage Krasus, who was the instigator of this mission. He was also assisted (at first) by the evil dragon Deathwing, but Deathwing's true purpose was to steal some of Alexstrasza's eggs to replenish his own decimated dragonflight. With a stone created from one of Deathwing's scales, Rhonin was able to destroy the Demon Soul and release Alexstrasza.

During this mission, Rhonin and Vereesa fell in love, and were later married. While they were preparing for the birth of their twin offspring, Rhonin was once again summoned by Krasus for help. Apparently, the dragon-mage had discovered a rift in time, which swallowed both of them, along with the Orc veteran Broxigar. The three were sent 10,000 years back in time to the first invasion of the Burning Legion.

World of Warcraft
At present, Rhonin does not appear in World of Warcraft. In the Battle of Mount Hyjal instance in the Caverns of Time - opened in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade an epic set of robes known as the Robes of Rhonin is dropped by Archimonde, the final boss of the dungeon.

Blizzard announced at BlizzCon 2007 that Rhonin would appear in the reconstructed, relocated Dalaran, in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Rhonin has been described as the leader of the new Dalaran.

Appears in
* Day of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak
* War of the Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak
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