
Neltharion the Earth Warder, later called Deathwing the Destroyer, is a fictional character in the Warcraft universe — a fictional universe in which a series of games and books are set. First seen in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal


In the game series Warcraft, Neltharion the Earth Warder was one of the Dragon Aspects created to defend Kalimdor. He was empowered by the Titan Khaz'goroth to protect the land.

Neltharion was Alexstrasza's greatest supporter and generally regarded as a powerful ally to the other dragonflights. However, at some point during the War of the Ancients the great-hearted Neltharion was driven mad, by the Old Gods in their plot to return to Azeroth, and began to plot against his brethren. In a bid for power, Neltharion suggested the use of an artifact he created: the Dragon Soul. According to plan, the Dragon Soul would combat the invading Burning Legion. The Dragon Soul would later be called Demon Soul, as it was referred to as no better than the Demonic Burning Legion. Each Dragon Aspect offered over a portion of their power to the Demon Soul and were promised that it would be used to the destroy the marauding army.

Neltharion, however, betrayed his allies and used the power of the Demon Soul against them. Around this time, goblin engineers under his control welded adamantium plates to Deathwing's scaly hide, a terribly painful process for the dragon, but one of necessity to keep his weakened body from tearing itself apart with the awesome powers he wielded. Weakened and broken, the dragonflights were forced to retreat from the battle leaving the Night Elves to fend for themselves against the Burning Legion. Though the invasion was ultimately halted, Neltharion's treachery scarred the remaining dragons for the rest of their lives. Alexstrasza was deeply tormented by her friend's betrayal, and Malygos, who had supported the use of the Demon Soul from the beginning, lost nearly all of his blue dragonflight because of it, the grief slowly driving him mad.

Though the Burning Legion was ultimately halted, the war cost Neltharion, now known as Deathwing, the loss of nearly every Black Dragon in the world. Additionally, the Demon Soul which he had created would no longer respond to his commands. When the orcish horde invaded Azeroth, he found new pawns with which to facilitate his rise to power. He entered into an alliance with Ner'zhul and even traveled to Draenor where he lived for many years, consolidating his power.

Years later during the Second War on Azeroth, Deathwing managed to use the Demon Soul once more through his orc puppet, Nekros Skullcrusher. With it, he imprisoned Alexstrasza within the former dwarven city of Grim Batol. There he forced breedings with many other captured Red Dragons and used them in the war against the Alliance. When victory was assured, Deathwing would assume his role as tyrant of Azeroth. The dragon was also fond of assuming a human guise in the form of Lord Prestor, a dignitary with close ties to Alterac. With this shell, he would meddle in the affairs of Lordaeron and put great strain on the human alliance. While in the guise of Lord Prestor, Deathwing had absolute control over his pawn's minds. In general, he was well-liked by the nobles of Lordaeron, especially King Terenas who appointed him as ruler of Alterac. Above all, Deathwing's agenda was always domination and to repopulate his ravaged Black dragonflight.

However, Deathwing's plans were foiled by the mage Rhonin and Korialstrasz, a consort of the Dragonqueen, who managed to wrest the Demon Soul from Nekros and free Alexstrasza. The resulting battle, in which each of the four Dragon Aspects had their power returned to them, through Rhonin using the Scale of Neltharion to destroy the Demon Soul and their power inside it returning to its former owners, forced Deathwing to give ground before them and flee. His current fate is unknown although the conniving dragon has been presumed dead before, only to resurface with a vengeance in time. Many believe he is either in hiding, or he is being held captive by the other Dragonflights in an attempt to contain his evil.

Today, Neltharion's eldest brood, his daughter Onyxia, and son Nefarian continue their father's insidious work. Onyxia breeds in Dustwallow Marsh while infiltrating Stormwind's nobility as Lady Katrana Prestor, an advisor to the child king Anduin Wrynn. Nefarian inhabits Blackrock Spire, fighting against Ragnaros for domination of the mountain, and conducting vile experiments attempting to create a new breed of dragon with the Chromatic dragonflight.

Remnants of the Black Dragonflight can be found in Vortex Pinnacle in Blade's Edge Mountains. It seems these dragons seek revenge on Gruul The Dragonkiller for the slaughter of so many of their brothers and sister. Obsidia, Insidion, Rivendark, and Furywing fly above the Blade's Edge Plateaus, guarding their respective perches. The elusive Hemathion also flies in these areas.

Role in Warcraft II Expansion

In the real-time strategy game Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal Neltharion (Deathwing) appears playable as one of the orcish heroes. He is first met with his brood on Blackrock Spire. He was last seen defending Draenor the home of the orcs when it exploded. This role comes into conflict with the novel, 'Day of the Dragon'.

* "Hear me, vermin! Hear me and pray! I am Neltharion! I am your god!"
* "You have called and I have come. It is always good to see my friend Alexstrasza."
* "I have watched! I have seen my world ruined by you pitiful insects! There must be order! I will have my world perfect again! Those who are not fit to serve me will be slain!"
* "Do you like fire? I'm full of it."
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