Remedial massage

Remedial massage is a deep massage done by a trained massage therapist, to create the conditions for the body’s return to normal health after injury or with muscular-skeletal disorders.
It is used to treat chronic muscular-skeletal imbalances, strains, sprains, broken bones, bruising or any injury where the skin is intact. Deep tissue massage removes blockages, damaged cells, scar tissue and adhesions left after injury, speeds up recovery and encourages more complete healing. Remedial massage is also used for conditions created by lifestyle for example Repetitive strain injury and Back pain. It is designed to increase the flow of blood and lymph, particularly in the injured areas.
Remedial massage is currently an unregistered profession in most countries including Australia; and there is no set requirement of study required to practise the 'profession'. It is recommended that treatment from a medical practitioner, physiotherapist, osteopath or other registered health professional with a university degree is sought prior to consulting with a remedial massage therapist. Remedial massage therapists should work alongside health professionals, and are not qualified to provide medical advice or diagnosis.
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