Religion dispatches

ReligionDispatches is the very first secular online magazine devoted to the scholarly analysis of religion for the general reader.

Founded in 2008 and edited by religion scholars Gary Laderman (Emory U.) and Linell Cady (ASU), ReligionDispatches covers all aspects of religion and public life from a progressive, but critical perspective. It bills itself as offering "critical analysis for the common good."

In her post "A Welcome Site," USC Scholar Diane Winston declared that "Religion Dispatches is exactly what we need now: smart writing about a crucial topic."

Writers and Bloggers

*Jeff Sharlet
*Linell Cady
*Randall Balmer
*Arri Eisen
*Diane Winston
*Amir Hussain
*Kathryn Lofton
*Svend White
*Michael Lerner
*Kathryn Joyce
*Tom Davis
*Ira Chernus
*Robert P. Jones
*Gabriel McKee
*Katie Meier
*Shabana Mir

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