University of Houston Creative Writing Program

The University of Houston Creative Writing program is a graduate fiction and poetry program located in Houston, Texas. It was rated second in the nation by U.S. News & World Report in its first annual ranking of writing programs in 1997. It rated 19th in the nation in Poets & Writers and its PhD program was placed in the top 5 programs in the nation by The Atlantic and Poets & Writers. The Creative Writing Program offers a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing and an MFA in English: Creative Writing. The Creative Writing Program at The University of Houston was co-founded by the writer Donald Barthelme.
Current faculty
*Robert Boswell
*Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
*Nick Flynn
*Tony Hoagland
*Mat Johnson
*James Kastely
*Ange Mlinko
*Antonya Nelson
*Kevin Prufer
*Alexander Parsons
*Martha Serpas
*Adam Zagajewski (on leave)
Past faculty
*Donald Barthelme
*Rosellen Brown
*Sharon Bryan
*Kathleen Cambor
*Alan Cheuse
*Robert Cohen
*Ellen Currie
*Mark Doty
*Mary Gaitskill
*Vivian Gornick
*William Goyen
*Linda Gregg
*Edward Hirsch
*Alan Hollinghurst
*Richard Howard
*David Hughes
*Philip Levine
*Phillip Lopate
*Beverly Lowry
*William Matthews
*Gail Mazur
*Louise Meriwether
*Howard Moss
*Stanley Plumly
*James Robison
*Mary Robison
*Pattiann Rogers
*J. Allyn Rosser
*Ntozake Shange
*Bapsi Sidhwa
*Daniel Stern
*Pamela Stewart
*Mark Strand
*David Wagoner
*Joy Williams
*David Wojahn
*Meg Wolitzer
*Charles Wright
*Garrett Hongo
Past visiting writers
*Alice Adams
*Julia Alvarez
*Yehuda Amichai
*Roger Angell
*John Ashbery
*Margaret Atwood
*Russell Banks
*Charles Baxter
*Ann Beattie
*Frank Bidart
*Amy Bloom
*Eavan Boland
*A. S. Byatt
*Rafael Campo
*Raymond Carver
*Nina Cassian
*Lorna Dee Cervantes
*Lucille Clifton
*J. M. Coetzee
*Robert Coover
*E. L. Doctorow
*Rita Dove
*Stephen Dunn
*Deborah Eisenberg
*Carlos Fuentes
*Ernest J. Gaines
*William Gass
*Dagoberto Gilb
*Albert Goldbarth
*Günter Grass
*Thom Gunn
*Marilyn Hacker
*Michael S. Harper
*Robert Hass
*John Hawkes
*Seamus Heaney
*Anthony Hecht
*Amy Hempel
*Bob Hicok
*Brenda Hillman
*Alan Hollinghurst
*John Holman
*Miroslav Holub
*Gish Jen
*Denis Johnson
*Janet Kauffman
*Brigit Pegeen Kelly
*Jamaica Kincaid
*Galway Kinnell
*Carolyn Kizer
*Yusef Komunyakaa
*Maxine Kumin
*Stanley Kunitz
*Norman Manea
*Bobbie Ann Mason
*Peter Matthiessen
*Heather McHugh
*Rick Moody
*Sandra McPherson
*James Merrill
*W. S. Merwin
*Leslie Adrienne Miller
*Susan Mitchell
*Mary Morris
*Walter Mosley
*Tim O'Brien
*Michael Ondaatje
*Cynthia Ozick
*Grace Paley
*Molly Peacock
*Jayne Ann Phillips
*Evangelina Piñon
*Robert Pinsky
*Richard Price
*Francine Prose
*E. Annie Proulx
*Claudia Rankine
*Adrienne Rich
*Alberto Rios
*James Salter
*Gjertrud Schnackenberg
*Grace Schulman
*Mary Lee Settle
*Jane Smiley
*Charlie Smith
*Lee Smith
*W. D. Snodgrass
*Susan Sontag
*Elizabeth Spencer
*David St. John
*Gerald Stern
*William Styron
*Peter Taylor
*Christopher Tilghman
*Tomas Transtömer
*Derek Walcott
*David Foster Wallace
*Richard Wilbur
*C. K. Williams
*John A. Williams
*Tobias Wolff
*Jay Wright
Donald Barthelme and Cythia MacDonald founded The University of Houston Creative Writing Program.
*, the undergraduate literary journal at the University of Houston
*, a journal of literature and fine arts
Past students
Student and alumni honors include Guggenheim Fellowships, National Endowment for the Arts Poetry and Fiction Fellowships, Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowships, "Discovery"/The Nation Prizes, a Prix de Rome in Literature, Associated Writing Programs Award Series Prizes for the novel, Henfield Foundation Transatlantic Review Fiction Awards, Wallace Stegner Fellowships, the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America, a National Poetry Series selection, a Whiting Writers' Award, and selections in Best New American Voices.
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