Rashad Nasirov

Rashad Nasirov (; born on 24 July 1977 in Baku) deputy chair of Azerbaijan Television and Radio broadcasting Closed Joint-stock company.
Rashad Nasirov was born on 24 July 1977 in Baku. He is married, has two children.
He graduated from Baku city secondary school No. 39 in 1994, got in Art Studies of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art in 1999 and got his master's degree in 2001.
He studied in Baku State University, International law - International relations faculty in 2002-2005.
He has worked in ANS, "Lider" and Public TV channels. Starting from 2010, he got employed as an editor in chief in Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting CJSC and as director of "News" information programs studio. On the executive order of the head of state, dated 5 May 2015, he was appointed as Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting CJSC.
On 7 November 2016, he was awarded with the honorary title of "Honored journalist" by the executive order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for his services in TV and radio sphere in Azerbaijan. On the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, No. 517 and dated 16 December 2016, Rashad Nasirov was elected as one of the members of the Central Commission for the Support of Population Census.
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