
Yuggoth (or Iukkoth) is a fictional planet in the Cthulhu Mythos of H. P. Lovecraft. It is deemed to be located at the very edge of the Solar System.
In the Cthulhu Mythos
Lovecraft referenced Yuggoth in the 1929-1930 poetry cycle Fungi From Yuggoth. The novella The Whisperer in Darkness, written in 1930 and published in 1931, Lovecraft develops the Yuggoth concept in greater detail, as the origin of strange beings (the Mi-Go) who secretly inhabit isolated mountains in Vermont. Yuggoth is the planet where the extraterrestrial Mi-Go have established a colony. The Mi-Go's city sits at the edge of a pit wherein dwells an ancient and horrifying entity feared by the Mi-Go. They periodically abandon the city on those occasions when it rises from the pit and can be seen directly. The being Cxaxukluth, along with Tsathoggua and his parents, migrated to Yuggoth from Xoth. A dysfunctional family in their own right, Cxaxukluth's progeny abandoned their patriarch and sought refuge deep in the bowels of Yuggoth, owing to Cxaxukluth's cannibalistic tendencies. Soon thereafter they fled Yuggoth, though Cxaxukluth still dwells there to this day. Yuggoth is also given as the source of the Shining Trapezohedron in The Haunter of the Dark.
Links with Pluto
When Pluto was discovered in 1930, Lovecraft himself very casually suggested, in a letter to his friend James F. Morton, dated on 15 March 1930 that Yuggoth might "probably" be the same as Pluto. Other writers have since claimed that Yuggoth is actually an enormous trans-Neptunian world that orbits perpendicular to the ecliptic of the solar system. The Italian astronomer Albino Carbognani has suggested that any planet discovered beyond Pluto might be named Yuggoth.
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