Rachael Bell


Rachael Bell is an 18 year old student living in the UK. She received a significant amount of press coverage in April 2007 when she held a house party in her parents' house that was gate-crashed and attended by over 200 guests causing over £20,000 worth of damage to the £230,000 detached house in Houghton-le-Spring, Co Durham

Rachael Bell is currently studying for her A-Levels. She is the daughter of Alan and Elaine (a teacher) Bell. Following the party she was arrested and released on bail pending further enquiries.

Rachael has stated that an advert for the party posted on popular teen website MySpace was altered by hackers encouraging people to gate-crash the party.

The party was set in the theme of a popular UK TV series Skins shown on UK Channel 4 which features a scene where a teenage party becomes out of hand. The party was given the name "Easter Monday Bash Skins Unofficial Party" and was given the subtitle "Let's trash the average family-sized house disco party"

The party

The party was organised for Easter Monday in 2007. It was initially expected to be attended by around 30-40 guests. .

The party had been set to start at around 10pm however it was reported that cars started arriving bringing guests from as early as 9:30pm. When guests that Rachael had not invited started to arrive she reportedly bolted the door however guests began to climb through windows to enter the house.

As the party became out of hand neighbors made attemps to enter the premises and disperse the guests however they were ignored and all attemps to curb the party failed.

At around 10PM 7 police cars and a dog unit attended the party however the sheer number of guests made it impossible to end the party without further problems and the party was allowed to continue.


Damage to the house was significant and the family have been forced to relocate to temporary accommodation while cleaning and repairs take place.

Rachael's parents reported that vomit was present in almost all rooms, cigarettes had been burned into carpets, light fixtures had been ripped from the roof, her brothers clothes dyed and even a wedding dress had been urinated on.

Immediately after the party Rachael went into hiding at a friends house and made no contact with her angered parents. After her arrest and bail she contacted her parents to apologise for the trouble caused and to place the blame on the altered party invite.

Currently police are continuing their inquiries, and attempting to contact partygoers.

There are reports that the family may move permanently as Rachael's family now feel the house holds "too many bad memories".
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