The film genre "puzzle films" is created by artist filmmaker Daryush Shokof in Germany in 2016. A puzzle film has these characteristics; It's main and major purpose is to keep the viewer guessing what the real meaning"s" of the film is.Therefore,it can remain a "puzzle" even after the film is viewed to the end. It is a film without popular frame of storyline,respected by the standard filmmaking process.Tory is always hidden under visual layers of scenes and shots that connect to one another to form a plausibe frame of mind that can describe what the film is about. It can be completely abstract in form and visuals but will have a clear message explainable by the creator "director-writer" of such a film. It is vast in visual expressions and or dialogs that serve as major sources to describe the meaning of the content of the film. It does not have to follow any rules respected by standard frame of film industry as known to public,but the creator of the film is completely aware how to break the rules in order to establish his or her own configurations in connecting shots to one another, edit, use of the sound, dialogs, music and actors to best reveal the hidden layers underlying the meaning of the puzzle film created. Every puzzle film is reviewed, valued and interpreted by all viewers as they seem to understand the film, so, therefore it could have many different meanings as to whose point of view explains the film through their eyes, and their cognizance about the film. However, every puzzle film must have the written explanation of the film*s creator attached. The first puzzle film festival is to start in the city of Uslar, Germany by Daryush Shokof in 2017.