Public Art in Public Places

Public Art in Public Places is a not-for-profit arts organization that encourages appreciation of public art by providing information on thousands of public art<nowiki/>works in Southern California and Hawaii. The Public Art in Public Places Project was one of the first non-government national efforts to create a comprehensive online archive of public art information as a free public resource. Public Art in Public Places is also notable for its geographic web mapping of public artworks and for its online high-definition multi-media public art exhibits. The organization also publishes editorial articles on public art topics, public art programs and events, and notable public artworks.
Established as the Public Art in Public Places Project in 2006 by its current director K. M. Williamson, Ph.D., its programs disseminate public art data in support of its mission to promote actual experiences with public art which thereby enrich civic engagement and public life. The organization's collaborations with local governments, news media, on-line technology firms, and arts and cultural organizations support the development of its extensive data archives.
In 2009 Public Art in Public Places began contributions of geographic web mapping data to Google Maps. By 2017 the organization was a primary point-of-interest data contributor, and standardized the public art listing format via the creation and editing of public art location listings in the Southern California region, Hawaii, and throughout the United States.
Google Cultural Institute
Public Art in Public Places became a Google Cultural Institute partner in 2016. Through this partnership Public Art in Public Places publicizes online high-resolution and multi-media public art images and exhibits utilizing the Google Arts & Culture platform's digital technology.
Online Public Art Archives
Public Art in Public Places publishes a free and accessible online data archives on existing public artworks throughout Southern California and Hawaii in the United States. Organized by city, the archives contain official descriptive, visual and location data on several thousand permanent (not temporary) public artworks, including sculptures, murals, statues, and transit station art, as well as monuments, landmarks, memorials, and tourist attractions that contain public art features or components. The archives are actively maintained and edited.
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