
BerkeleyLive.Net is the University of California at Berkeley's web bulletin forum.
There had been multiple attempts to create an all-inclusive web bulletin forum for UC Berkeley campus, centered around the sharing of information. In early 2008, a few grad and undergraduate student came together to create a web forum through existing technology. The project continued in alpha for about a year. It wasn't until spring 2009, the first beta version was launched for the general audience. Current, BerkeleyLive.Net remains as a non-profit organization.
BerkeleyLive.Net uses a unique combination of web forum technology and high-end scripts for its main back-end development. continuously develop its technology with the support from the CS community.
The station's content has evolved with time due to its crowdsourcing nature.
BerkeleyLive.Net has been recognized in local media. The Daily Cal, Berkeley's newspaper, published articles, on-campus organizations and various web entities.
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