Private sales

A private sale is a new way of ecommerce allowing a brand to sold their unsold products discreetly with strong discount that can be up to 90% off the retail price.
This concept has been created in Internet by the popular website 'vente-privé' which founder is Jacques-Antoine Grandjon
Benefits for customer
There are many benefit for the customer to buy on private sales websites:
He feels privileged because he is considered as a member and so he is part of the private club.
price of goods available on private sales are very attractive, as they can be discounted at 90%off the retail price.
The privates sales are limited in time. They can last on some case 48 hours or few days depending to the website
The quantity of goods is limited and are often not available on all size.
Benefits for the private sales website
The the privates sales websites on Internet finds many benefits:
They mostly buy goods only after having sold them, so there is no stock
Important investment from the website
The website has to face important cost for organizing a private sale, because it needs to create shooting, create a specific design for each event, manage the logistics in a tight manner. Some sites are not able to face the cost and they disappear.
Benefits for the brands
The brand doesn thave to spend on marketing to sell his unsold products.
The private sales concept is spreading around the world
Since 2005, many websites has been launched on a private sales model:
- (USA)
- (USA)
- (UK)
- (ES)
- (IN)
- (FR)
- (FR)
Major companies invest on model based on private sales
Ebay, has invested up $200 million to buy Brands4Friends on 2010.
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