
BizBroker24 is a brokerage firm that specializes in the merger and acquisition of online business, websites and Apps.
The company uses its Internet platform to connect its over 15,000 buyers all around the world.
BizBroker24 is multi-faceted since it does not only deal with website business brokers but also with internet entrepreneurs as well. The company has long experience with ecommerce websites, membership based models, affiliate and Pay per click website businesses and pure web 2.0 Social networking plays.
BizBroker24 was founded in 2010 by Steve E, the name of the company is an acronym for providing a Business Broker 24 7.
The firm has received several favorable reviews from several online websites and customers including CNet and
* That BizBroker24 website is Multi-Lingual offering 11 Languages including English (default), French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic.
* The company offers Free Evaluation from business advisers where they determine a value of a potential clients business. This can be either used as an exit strategy and new opportunities for entrepreneurs.
* The sale price of an online business is often calculated based on a multiple its earnings. However, a sophisticated buyer will go further than glancing at a P&L when considering purchasing the business. The buyer will also consider how much cash the business needs to run and whether he is capable of raising that required cash.
* Errors or inconsistencies in internal reports picked up when a buyer is having due diligence conducted can lead to lost buyer confidence late in the sales process, costing money.
* Having a business perfect in every way is not always the best option for maximising the sale price. In order to achieve a premium price a buyer must develop an emotional attachment to the business. Leaving the business with some cash creation potential for the next owner demonstrates an opportunity for the potential buyer to make their mark.
Variables to Factor Before a Business is Sold
How Much is a website worth
For a client, determining the value of his or her website is a difficult task. Here are some of the bases when pricing them:
* Sales and Profit numbers and trends
* Traffic numbers and trends
* Age of the business
* Domain name value
* Industry sector trends and outlook
* Business growth potential
* Proprietary or non-proprietary products
* Unique content
* Inventory count (if applicable)
* Advertising methods and costs
* Personnel expertise needed to operate the business
* Seller financing
* Non-compete terms
Website value
There are a few different types of valuation methods that buyers will use to value your website.
1. Revenue Multiple - You have most probably heard the statistic that most businesses sell for 2-3 times earnings. Basically a buyer will take the current net profit of the website for the past twelve months and then multiply it with an earnings multiplier to get a final valuation figure.
2. Comparable Sales - Buyers will use this method if there is sales data available for similar websites. They will then adopt a similar valuation and make an offer based off that.
3. Asset Value - sometimes buyers will ignore the revenue of a website and instead look at the assets of the site (the customer list, or email database) and make a calculation on that instead. They do this because they may be able to leverage those assets better than the existing owner with a new product or making alterations to the system etc.
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