Polymers and biohazard bags

Polymers and Biohazard bags
When i think of Biohazard Bags,polymers picture comes into my mind and i start talking about the relationship of polymers and Bio Hazard bags.Chapter starts from a very well known scientist.A German chemist Hermann Staudinger, who gave polymer theory which describes polymer as long chains of atoms held together by covalent bonds, an idea which did not gain wide acceptance for over a decade and for which Staudinger was ultimately awarded the Nobel Prize in 1920.
1. Polymer is a big molecule made up of repeated basic unit by covalent bond with high molecular weight.
2. Polymer is a combination of molecules strung together to make a giant molecular chain with different type structure.
Ex. Bakelite, neoprene, nylon, PVC, PVB etc.
Now I can corelate Polymers and biohazard bags in chapter two which starts from the basic unit of Biohazard bags.
A. Ethylene after Polymerization produces Polyethylene,
Ethylene is a gaseous organic compound with the formula C2H4, it contains a carbon-carbon double bond, and ethylene is classified as an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Its widely used in industry and Ethylene is the most produced organic compound in the world; global production of ethylene exceeded 107 million tones in 2005.
B. Propylene after Polymerization gives Polypropylene,

Propylene is an unsaturated organic compound having the chemical formula C3H6. It has one double bond, and it is also second in natural abundance. Its widely used in making Bio Hazard Autoclave Bags.
Propylene bags are having high molecular weight due to which it’s very useful in sterilization process.
After the whole useful information about bio hazard basic unit we move to the process which can be explained on the basis of polymerization only.
It’s a process where very small units known as monomers combined together to produce a giant chain of covalently bonded monomers.
Bio Hazard Bags are made up of a polymer which is known as Polyethylene.
We have two types of polyethylene used in manufacturing Bio hazard bags given below.
1. HDPE - High density Poly ethylene
HDPE is defined by a density of greater or equal to 0.941 g/cm3.
2. LDPE - Low density poly ethylene.
LDPE is defined by a density range of 0.910-0.940 g/cm3.
Bio hazard bags have another class which can be identifies as a Autoclave bags,here i am going to educate about the Autoclave bags.
Autoclave Bio Hazard Bags are made up of a Polymer known as PP (Poly propylene)
1. Polypropylene has high molecular weight.
2. Polypropylene can go under 171 degree Celsius temperature.
3. PP can handle the pressure up to 52Psi.
Autoclave Biohazard bags are used for sterilization purpose in Hospitals, Path Labs and clinics.
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