Piracy Survival Guide

Piracy Survival Guide "A cruisers guide to dealing with pirates" written 2010 by Capt Michael R Pierce. The book was initially an expansion of the policies and procedures written by request of a company that he was working for overseas after his boat was attacked several times by pirates with out success. The company took notice of his ability and requested that he write the policy for the company to combat the problem of piracy, stop the losses to the company and protect the crews on the boats under contract with them.
Captain Pierce had experience with pirates before these encounters, while working and traveling in other areas on several occasions. Before his life working at sea, he was trained in the military in the areas of security and was with a unit that developed one of the first military anti-terrorism teams on the west coast. He was also trained in SERE, Survival, Demolitions, landmines, booby traps and had worked in a operation involving many government agencies. In the 1990's he was one of the Americans attempting to compete in the Around the World Sailboat Race. He when not working in commercial shipping owned a vessel delivery company which enabled him to travel the areas of the Bahamas, Caribbean, Central and South America on a regular basis. With trips to more distant destinations on occasion.
Being fortunate to have this training before encountering the problem of piracy enabled him to deal with the threat effectively when needed. He had boast that he never been overtaken by those intent on his capture by utilizing simple and basic security measures. In his book he covers topics that take you from a basic knowledge of piracy and its history to pirate attacks in recent years from 2003-2010. Covering things that mariners need to know to defeat the problem on how and where to find the latest information on piracy, what you should glean from the reports to use when planning your route. Also covering how to recognize pirates, there tactics, body language of threats, Guns on-board your boat and when deadly force is justified. Not only covering how to avoid and how to prevent boarding of your vessel but also things you need to know should you become a hostage that will give you a higher chance of survival. The book covers many aspects of survival for vessel owners and captains alike.
Capt Pierce felt he should write the book to share the knowledge he has gained from his experience as well as his observations of others encountering these situations around the world. His hopes are that the book will save a life somewhere and prevent others from falling into danger because of the lack of knowledge on the subject.
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