Piccola Accademia degli Specchi

Piccola Accademia degli Specchi (Little Academy of Mirrors) is a chamber ensemble in Rome, central Italy, specializing in the performance of contemporary classical music, with particular attention to the so-called minimalist and postminimalist experiences. The instrumentation of the ensemble is similar to the common Pierrot ensemble set up except that saxophone is used in place of the clarinet and often many of their works and arrangements involve piano four hands. The ensemble performs frequently at music festivals throughout Italy. Their music has been featured on Echoes (the syndicated NPR show) and New Sounds on WNYC in the U.S., and on Concertzender in the Netherlands.

The ensemble's repertoire includes composers like Steve Reich, Louis Andriessen, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens, Philip Glass, Yann Tiersen, Michael Gordon, Terry Riley, Morton Feldman, John Cage, and Simon Jeffes. Furthermore, they have standing collaborations with many international composers, who wrote or arranged music for them, such as William Susman, Matthias Kadar, Douwe Eisenga, Bruno Letort, Demetrius Spaneas, Ulli Goette, and Pavel Karmanov.
Piccola Accademia degli Specchi's mission also aims to diffuse the music of contemporary and living Italian composers such as Giovanni Sollima, Fulvio Caldini, Francesco Di Fiore, Irma Ravinale, Matteo Sommacal, Franco Antonio Mirenzi, Ada Gentile, Michele Biki Panitti, Paolo Carlomè, Giacomo Cuticchio.
Current members include: Fabio Silvestro (Piano), Assunta Cavallari (Piano), Alessandra Amorino (Flute/Piccolo), Claudia Di Pietro (Alto Saxophone/Soprano Saxophone), Rina You (Cello), Giuliano Cavaliere (Violin).

Founder members include: Matteo Sommacal (Composition/Recorder), Giovanni Rosati (Piano), Assunta Cavallari (Piano), Alessandra Amorino (Flute/Piccolo), Claudia Di Pietro (Alto Saxophone/Soprano Saxophone), Donato Cedrone (Cello), Valerio Marchitelli (Violin).

Other collaborators include: Kyung Mi Lee (Cello), Paolo Andriotti (Cello), Ilaria Calabrò (Cello), Marco Simonacci (Cello), Giacomo Grandi (Cello), Giuliano Cavaliere (Violin), Carlo Vicari (Violin), Marcello Sirignano (Violin), Giorgio Tentoni (Violin), Emanuela Sabatiello (Violin), Min Ji Kim (Soprano), Giorgia Rocca (Soprano), Mauro Conti (Flute), Matteo Laspada (Flute), Giuseppe Rossi (Piano), Erika Mazzola (Piano), Luca Cipriano (Clarinet), Roberta Togni (Alto Sax/Soprano Sax), Walter Geromet (Alto Sax/Soprano Sax), Walter van Suijlekom (Drums/Percussions), Giuseppe Craparotta (Drums/Percussions).
*Candidamente, Prod: M. Sommacal, R. Lancia, M. Siccardi (IT 2002)
*MinimaMachta, Centaur Records (USA 2009)
*House of Mirrors, Zefir Records (NL 2011)
* Candidamente (Ruggero Lancia, 2000)
* Gabbia Aporetica (Fulvio Spagnoli, 2006)
* La Resistenza nella Provincia di Roma (Michele Imperio, 2006)
* Macchia Madre (Simona Marziani, 2008)
* (EMEC, 2008)
* A mani nude, (Piero Pieri, 2010)
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