
Hackerence was a long-lived demoparty and LAN party held twice a year in Härnösand, Sweden during the 1990s.
The demo Crystal Dream by Triton, precursor to the famous Crystal Dream 2, is perhaps the most well-known entry among the Hackerence competition winners.
The event was started in 1989 and was during its early years hosted by the youth club Unga Forskare Härnösand (Young Scientists of Härnösand), UFH. In 1992, the event had grown too large and a separate club called ComUn (Computer Union) was formed, which replaced UFH as hosts.
The party folded after its 21st event (Hackerence XX) in May 2000. Seems to be restarted with a new crew in March 2012 that will have both LAN parties and demo parties
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