Pakistani Trinidadian

Pakistani Trinidadian refers to Trinidadians of Pakistani descent or to someone who is a Trinidadian citizen or national with Pakistani origin. Generally, people from the Indo-Trinidadian category who have roots that trace to modern-day Pakistan are also collectively adhered to the Pakistani Trinidadian ethnic group.
Society & culture
Some Pakistani Trinidadians can trace their ancestry to indentured labourers who immigrated to the Carribean during the 1800s. The majority of those that came were predominantly Muslim by religion, although a sizeable portion were Hindu as well (most notably Sindhi settlers). In addition, Trinidadians of Pakistani descent primarily celebrate Indian Arrival Day (which commemorates the first arrivals from the Indian subcontinent to Trinidad) and religious holidays such as Eid and Divali. Muslims in Trinidad and Tobago have a sustainable representation and have formed many major organisations such as the Anjuman Sunnat-ul-Jamaat Association (led by Yacoob Ali). Many political parties throughout Trinidad, such as the United National Congress and The Congress of the People have drawn large amounts of support to all people in Trinidad of South Asian descent on the whole.
Although the primary culture of those who descend from the early settlers has long been lost, Pakistani Trinidadians have however still managed to stick on to some aspects; this includes food, art and music. In terms of language, most predominantly now speak Trinidadian languages while a fair minority may be able to converse fluently in Urdu.
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