Nottinghamshire words

Nottinghamshire words are English language words or dialect that have become common in usage over the years and are applicable to only the county of Nottinghamshire. Here are some examples...
Bobbo - Horse
Bobbaahs - Naughty/Don't Touch (Usually said to children)
Batchy - Round the bend
Beer-off - Off license
Cob - Bread roll
Causey - Pavement
Ditched - Dirty
Fettle - To clean through thoroughly or fix
guzgog - Gooseberry
"Ayup mi'duck" - Hello
Jitty - A narrow passageway between buildings
Knobby Greens - Brussel Sprouts
Kroggeh / Croggy / Crog - To give someone a lift on a bicycle, "Giz a kroggeh / Giz a crog"
Manky - Daft, silly; (more usually) dirty
Mardy - Grumpy or miserable
Nesh - Cold, particularly a person who is prone to feeling cold whilst others around them do not
Not it - "not" replaces the word "won't" (as in .."that'll do, not it?")
Pods - Baby booties
Pobbys (or) Pobs - Bread and milk, cereal
Puthering - Relating to heavy rain (as in .."it's puthering down")
Rammel - A collection of items (perhaps saved in case they become useful)
Scranny - To have a tantrum
Scrating - Crying
Slinging it - See puthering
Snap - Lunch/food
Snidered/Snided/Snied - Covered or infested (DH Lawrence used the word 'Snied' in a description of an infestation of mice in Sons and Lovers).
Swag - Gulp of drink - variation on 'swig'
Teggehs (or) Tegs - Teeth, "Av ya cleaned ya Teggehs?"
Tabs - Ears
Tuffy (or) Tuffee Small Chocolate, Boiled Sweet, or Toffee
Twitchell - A narrow passageway between buildings
Wappy - Acting in a silly or obscure way or clinically insane
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