Noob tube

A noob tube is a highly used word used by gamers. This word describes a person or people (Noobtuber or noobtubers) that use a specific attachment to their weapons. This attachment is that of a grenade launcher, due to the fact it is a cheap way to get kills and deals no damage to the firer even though he could be within feet of the grenade explosion.
The call of duty series entails grenade lancher attachment therefore noobtubers are free to roam this game which aggrivates gamers.
Battlefield is too a noob tuber friendly game.
Although some may argue it is an attachment that may require some skill in many cases; Such cases are pinpointing a subject from across the map usiung only your radar and the in game crosshair. As well some may call this tactic cheap because they do not have the skill required to perform such feats.
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