Call of Duty: Evolution of Online Multiplayer

Overview of Multiplayer
The multiplayer gaming system for the Microsoft XBOX and Sony Playstation game consoles changed the player’s whole gaming experience. It allows players across the world to participate in the same video game experience together as well as communicate audibly while playing. All the gamer needs is an internet connection via Ethernet cord or wireless component sold in most videogame stores. Once you have that, you must set up an XBOX live account through the purchase of a yearly or monthly membership (or a free membership on Playstation Network). Once your account is set up you are able to create an Avatar, which is a virtual version of the gamer. When this is done you are ready for online play. You can add your friends, and play with the ones who also own XBOX live or Playstation Network and the same video game that they have. You can chat and send personal messages. Multiplayer gaming allows for a gamer and his friends to be miles away from each other, but to still enjoy gaming together.
Online multiplayer is a very important facet for video games today. Most video games will create online multiplayer access because of its popularity. Online multiplayer is popular because it allows the players to participate in a competitive hobby in the comfort of their own home. Online multiplayer typically consists of varied game types that pit players from around the world against one another in a race to complete an objective. Amongst the most popular game types in the Call of Duty franchise is Team Deathmatch. This game mode is found in almost every online multiplayer game due to its simple objective: eliminate the enemy players. Each game in Call of Duty tracks your stats; kills, deaths, and assisted kills. This allows the player track their stats and compare them to their friends. The Call of Duty franchise has constructed an addictive reward system. With each game you play, you can gain experience points that help you achieve higher ranking. With each new rank, the player unlocks new weapons, perks, and attachments to improve their effectiveness as an online soldier. This reward system keeps players interested in the changing landscape of the game.
Call of Duty: The Franchise
The Call of Duty franchise defines the online gaming experience today. In fact, Call of Duty: Black Ops just recently became the bestselling video game in the U.S. ever. With 13.7 million units sold since its release date of November 9, 2010, it is easy to see that gamers everywhere want to be a part of its unique multiplayer experience (Bond). However this success had to start somewhere. With the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in 2007 the create-a-class system was introduced. With the institution of this customization, many gamers would say that the Call of Duty multiplayer experience really took a huge step in the right direction. With this create-a-class system in place, the player could now choose their character's guns, perks, and equipment along with many other features. Through this page, we will take a casual approach at tracking the evolution of Call of Duty multiplayer and its features that culminate to make the Call of Duty franchise the most immersive online multiplayer experience available today. By retrieving all of this information and putting it in one place, any gamer or non-gamer can refer to this page to gain general knowledge about this series series of games.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Perks are enhancements to a players' abilities. There are three tiers of perks that a player can choose from the in the create a class system. These perks can be combined to alter or create a different playing style for each individual.
Tier 1
:Bomb Squad- Allows you to detect enemy explosives.
:C4 Explosives x2- Allows you to carry two C4 explosives to plant and remotely detonate.
:Claymore x2- Allows you to carry two claymore mines that are triggered by enemy movement.
:RPG-7 x2- Allows you to carry two rockets to shoot at enemy players.
:Special Grenades x3- Allows you to carry three special grenades, instead of two.
:Frag x3- Allows you to carry three fragmentation grenades, instead of two.
:Bandolier- Gives the player extra ammunition.
Tier 2
:Juggernaut- Allows the player to absorb more damage before dying.
:Sleight of Hand- Allows the player to reload weapons much faster.
:Stopping Power- Gives the player's bullets more stopping power.
:UAV Jammer- Allows the player to be un-detected on enemy radars.
:Sonic Boom- Increases the damage of a player's explosives.
:Overkill- Allows the player to carry two primary weapons.
:Double Tap- Increases the fire rate of the player's weapons.
Tier 3
:Extreme Conditioning- Allows the player to run for a longer period of time without stopping.
:Steady Aim- Increases the accuracy of hip firing.
:Last Stand- Gives the player one last chance to kill their enemy using their sidearm before they die.
:Deep Impact- Allows for deeper bullet penetration through objects.
:Dead Silence- Makes the player completely silent.
:Iron Lungs- Enables the player to hold breath longer while sniping.
:Eavesdrop- Enables the player to hear radio chatter of nearby enemy players.
:Martyrdom- Drops a live grenade when the player is killed in battle.
Killstreaks are rewards given to players when they attain a certain number of kills in a row without dying. The killstreak awarded depends on the number of kills in a row.
Number of Kills: 3
:UAV- Releases an unmanned drone that shows enemy position on the mini map.
Number of Kills: 5
:Air Strike- Allows the player to call in an air strike against the enemy team.
Number of Kills: 7
:Attack Helicopter- Allows the player to call in a support helicopter.
A weapon accessory that can be added to your gun. These attachments can increase the weapons' effectiveness in a variety of ways.
:Red Dot Sight- Replaces the iron sights with a battery powered red dot sight.
:ACOG Scope- Replaces the iron sights with a telescopic sight with intermediate range.
:Grenade Launcher- Allows the player to shoot grenades from underneath the barrel. Replaces the Tier 1 perk.Master key an under barrel shotgun. flamethrower an under barrel flamethrower.
:Silencer- Silences the weapon and makes the player invisible to radar when firing shots.
:Grip- Increases weapon's accuracy and reduces recoil.
Call of Duty: World at War
Because of the change in time period of this new edition, many of the perks found in the previous game are repeated, but tailored to the World War 2 time period.
Tier 1
Special Grenades x3, Satchel Charge x2 (C4 Explosives x2), M9A1 Bazooka x2 (RPG-7 x2), Bomb Squad, Bouncing Betty x2 (Claymore x2), and Bandolier are repeats from the previous game.
:Primary Grenades x2- Enables the player to carry two primary grenades instead of one.
:M2 Flamethrower- Allows the player to carry an M2 Flamethrower as a secondary weapon.
Tier 2
Stopping Power, Fireworks (Sonic Boom), Juggernaut, Camouflage (UAV Jammer), Sleight of Hand, Double Tap, and Overkill are repeats from the previous game.
:Flak Jacket- Decreases damage taken by explosives.
:Gas Mask- Protects yourself from Tabun Gas.
:Shades- Reduces the intensity of signal flares.
Tier 3
Deep Impact, Extreme Conditioning, Steady Aim, Second Chance, Martyrdom, Dead Silence, and Iron Lungs are repeats from the previous game.
:Toss Back- Allows the player to reset the fuse on a thrown grenade to throw it back.
:Fireproof- Enables the player to absorb more fire damage before death.
:Reconnaissance- Shows artillery and tanks on the mini map.
Vehicle Perk
With the introduction of vehicles in online multiplayer, Call of Duty introduced perks to improve the vehicle play.
:Water Cooler- Reduces the overheat time on the tank's machine gun.
:Greased Bearings- Allows the tanks turret to rotate more quickly.
:Ordinance Training- Allows the tank's main cannon to be reloaded more quickly.
:Leadfoot- Enables the player to drive faster in the tank.
:Coaxial Machine Gun- Enables to player to shoot a coaxial machine gun while still operating the tank's main cannon.
Number of Kills: 3
:Recon Plane- A spy plane surveys the map to reveal enemy positions.
Number of Kills: 5
:Artilery Strike- Place an artillery strike on the map.
Number of Kills: 7
:Attack Dogs- Release attack dogs on the enemy players.
:Aperture sight- A cross haired optical sight.
:Telescopic Sight- Enhanced zoom rifle sight.
:Sniper Scope- Extreme Zoom rifle sight for the Sniper gun class.
:Rifle Grenade- A Grenade launching attachment.
:Bayonet- An underbarrel knife attachment.
:Bipod- An underbarrel attachment to steady your aim.
:Box Magazine- Extra capacity box-shaped magazine.
:Round Drum- Extra capacity drum-shaped magazine.
:Grip- A grip to improve accuracy.
:Flash Hider- An attachment to eliminate muzzle flash when firing.
:Surpressor- An attachment to decrease sound when firing.
:Sawed Off- A shotgun attachment to increase bullet spread.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Tier 1
Marathon and Sleight of Hand are repeats from the previous games.
:Scavenger- Resupply from dead enemies.
:Bling- Allows two attachments to primary weapon.
:One Man Army- Allows class switching in game. (Replaces secondary weapon.)
Tier 2
Stopping Power and Lightweight are repeats from previous games.
:Hardline- Killstreaks require one less kill.
:Cold Blooded- Invisible to enemy thermal optics and enemy killstreaks.
:Danger Close- Increased explosive damage.
Tier 3
Steady Aim and Last Stand are repeats from previous games.
:Commando- Increased melee lunge distance.
:Scrambler- Jams the enemy radar when they are close enough.
:Ninja- Makes player invisible to heartbeat sensor.
:Sit Rep- Detect enemy explosives.
Death Streaks
Death streaks are new in the Call of Duty franchise. If a player dies so many times in a row, they are rewarded with a bonus to help even the odds.
Number of Deaths: 3
:Painkiller- Increased health for 10 seconds.
:Copycat- Copy the loadout of the person who last killed you during the killcam.
Number of Deaths: 4
:Martyrdom- This streak is identical to the perk found in previous Call of Duty games.
:Final Stand- Survive after a lethal amount of damage and use primary/secondary/equipment/special grenade.
In this particular Call of Duty game, Killstreaks can now be chosen before each round. The Killstreaks are now determined by the player.
Number of Kills: 3
:UAV-Shows enemies on the minimap.
Number of kills: 4
:Care package-Air drop a random killstreak or ammo.
:Counter-UAV-temporarily disables enemy radar.
Number of kills:5
:Sentry Gun-Air drop a placeable sentry gun.
:Predator Missile-Remote controlled missile.
Number of kills:6
:Precision Airstrike-Call in a directional airstrike.
Number of Kills:7
:Harrier Strike-Airstrike with a hovering Harrier.
:Attack Helicopter-Call in a support helicopter.
Number of kills:8
:Emergency Airdrop-Airdrop 4 random killstreaks or ammo.
Number of Kills:9
:Pave Low-Heaviliy armored assault helicopter.
:Stealth Bomber-Airstrike Undetectable on enemy maps.
Number of kills:11
:Chopper Gunner-Be the gunner of an attack helicopter.
:AC 130-Be the gunner AC 130.
Number of kills 15
:EMP-Temporarily disables enemy electronics.
Number of kills:25
:Tactical Nuke-End the game with a Nuclear Bomb.
:Red Dot Sight- A red dot optical sight.
:ACOG Scope- Enhanced zoom ACOG sight.
:Holographic Sight- A holographic weapon sight.
:Thermal- A sight that detects body heat.
:Grenade Launcher- An underbarrel attachment that shoots grenades.
:Shotgun- An underbarrel shotgun attachment.
:Extended Mag- Extended capacity magazines.
:Silencer- Reduces sound when firing and makes you undetectable on enemy radar.
:FMJ- Deeper bullet penetration.
:Heartbeat Sensor- Detects enemy heartbeats showing their location.
:Akimbo- Gives ability to dual wield secondary weapons.
:Grip- Increases accuracy.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
In this particular game, players can complete various challenges over time to unlock the "Pro" versions of each perk. These "Pro" versions reward the player for playing the game with upgraded abilities to help the player succeed.
Tier 1
Lightweight- Move faster.
:Pro Version- + No falling damage.
Scavenger - Replenish ammo and lethal grenades from fallen enemies.
:Pro Version- + Doubles your starting ammo. This also replenishes your tactical grenades.
Ghost- Remain hidden from enemy spy planes.
:Pro Version- + Undetectable by aircraft, infrared, and sentries. Enemies won't see your name or a red crosshair when targeting you.
Flak Jacket- Take less explosive damage.
:Pro Version- + Deflects fire damage and allows you to reset the fuse of a thrown grenade when you pick it up.
Hardline- Earn killstreak rewards with one less kill.
:Pro version- + Allows you to randomly choose another reward from a Care Package. When you open a Care Package, you can either take the reward or try again for something better.
Tier 2
Hardened- Penetrate walls and objects with deeper bullet impact.
:Pro Version- + Your weapons do extra damage to aircraft and turrets. This also reduces flinch when you are shot by someone.
Scout- Hold breath longer when scoped.
:Pro Version- + Allows you to switch your weapon faster.
Steady Aim- Maintain increased accuracy when firing from the hip.
:Pro Version- + Enables you to aim faster after sprinting and recover faster from a knife lunge.
Warlord- Equip two attachments to your primary weapon (excluding underbarrels).
:Pro Version- + You start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade, except smoke.
Sleight of Hand- Reload weapons faster.
:Pro Version- + Allows you to aim down the sight faster than normal (Only works with weapons without scopes).
Tier 3
Tactical Mask- Protect yourself against nova gas.
:Pro Version- + Reduces the effects of flashbangs and concussion grenades, it also reveals the position of a flashed or stunned enemy.
Marathon- Sprint for a longer duration.
:Pro Version- + Gives you unlimited sprint.
Ninja- Move silently.
:Pro Version- + Enemies footsteps are louder, and you are completely silent.
Second Chance- Pull out your pistol before dying.
:Pro Version- + Able to survive longer. Teammates can also revive you.
Hacker- Detect enemy equipment, explosives, and turrets.
:Pro Version- + Able to sabotage enemy Care Packages and turn enemy equipment friendly. Also makes you invisible to Motion Sensors.
Number of Kills: 3
:Spy plane- Shows enemies on the mini map. Can be shot down.
:RC-XD- Remote control car strapped with explosives.
Number of Kills: 4
:Counter Spy Plane- Temporarily disables enemy mini map.
:SAM turret- Air drop a placeable SAM turret that destroys aircraft.
Number of Kills: 5
:Care Package- Air drop a random Killstreak or ammo crate.
:Napalm Strike- Airstrike that covers an area in napalm.
Number of Kills: 6
:Sentry Gun- Air drop a placeable sentry gun.
:Mortar Team- Target three locations to bombard with mortar strikes.
Number of Kills: 7
:Attack Helicopter- Call in a support helicopter.
:Valkyrie Rockets- Launcher with remote controlled rockets.
Number of Kills:8
:Blackbird- Shows both enemy position and direction on the mini map. Cannot be shot down.
:Rolling Thunder- Carpet bombing airstrike.
Number of Kills: 9
:Chopper Gunner- Be the gunner of an attack helicopter.
Number of Kills: 11
:Attack Dogs- Attack dogs that hunt the enemy down.
:Gunship- Pilot an attack helicopter.
:ACOG Sight- Enhanced zoom ACOG sight.
:Red Dot Sight- Replace the iron sights with a precision red dot sight.
:Reflex Sight- Replace the iron sights with a precision reflex sight.
:Variable Zoom- Sniper rifle attachment that allows for adjustable zoom.
:Infrared scope- Enhanced zoom infrared scope.
:Masterkey- An under barrel shotgun attachment.
:Flamethrower- An under barrel attachment that shoots flames.
:Grenade Launcher- An under barrel attachment that shoots grenades.
:Extended Mags- Larger magazines.
:Dual Mag- Taped magazines for a quicker first reload.
:Grip- Stabilizes weapons and reduces kick.
:Suppressor- Invisible from radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but less range.
:Rapid Fire- Increased rate of fire.
:Dual Wield- Hip fire two weapons.
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