Ninja Quest

Ninja Quest is a four-part Power Rangers episode. It was the debut episode of the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and shows how the Power Rangers get their new powers, as their old ones were destroyed early on in the arc. This saga can be seen as the TV series version of the events from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, as the events of the movie are not canon.

Part 1
In this episode, the Ranger teens win a volleyball tournament. Rito Revolto, brother of Rita Repulsa, lands on the moon with Tenga Warrior eggs and a Vampirus egg. Rito turns gigantic and challenges the Rangers, who summon the Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord. At first the Rangers seem to have the upper hand, until four of Lord Zedd's old monsters (who are now more powerful than before) arrive as part of a trap. The Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord get badly damaged and start to malfunction. At the Command Center, Alpha 5 tries desperately to give extra power to the Zords, but the Morphing Grid overloads. The Rangers are then thrown out of their cockpits, demorph involuntarily and watch helplessly as the Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord explode and fall apart. As a result, the original Dinozords are destroyed too and the Power Coins are damaged beyond use.

Part 2
The Rangers return to the Command Center to learn that the Power Coins were created by a legendary being called Ninjor. The Ranger decide to search the treacherous Desert of Despair to find him. The bad guys learn that the Rangers are going after the Ninja powers and send the newly hatched Tenga Warriors to deal with them. The Rangers run from the birds to a long cave with a dead end. They learn that the cave's walls dematerialize as the episode ends showing all six Rangers going through.

Part 3
The Rangers find themselves in a garden after passing through the cave walls. There, they find giant gates leading into a temple. The Rangers enter the gate. Inside the Temple, the Rangers find Ninjor. The Rangers tell Ninjor of the destruction of their Zords by Rito. Ninjor tests their virtue, after proving that the Rangers are good - not evil - he gives them their new powers and Zords. The Rangers use their new Ninja Ranger powers to defeat the Tengas still waiting outside the Temple. They use their new Ninja Coins to morph into their Ranger costumes, and teleport to Angel Grove in order to use their new Ninjazords against Rito. Meanwhile, the Vampirus egg is hatching in front of the Temple Gates...

Part 4
The Rangers defeat Rito with the Ninja Mega Falconzord. Meanwhile, Ninjor has his hands full at the temple battling the Vampirus that hatched from the egg. The Rangers show up just in time and together, they destroy the Vampirus. Ninjor later says that he will help the Rangers whenever they need it.


*Part 1 was the first episode in the history of the show to feature mostly American footage for the Zord battle. This was due to the fact that in Super Sentai, the Thunderzords weren't destroyed.
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