Nillys Realm

Nilly's Realm is a game based off Realm of the Mad God also known as RotMG.
You can play RotMG online ( no downloads ) at :
I take no credit of owning RotMG. It is owned by Kabam, made by Wild Shadow.
RotMG is a hellfire MMORPG, Perma-Death game. Oryx has sent you to his realm to treat you as food for his minions.
Grow stronger by fighting monsters, leveling up and getting stronger equipment.
Nilly's Realm is basically that but modified. The monsters behave differently, and drop different loot. The Random Number Generator ( RNG ) at Nilly's realm is better than those of RotMG, but not to the point where it is too easy to get loot.
Nilly's Realm also has some advanced controls which players can use which RotMG does not have.
Nilly's Realm has also implemented more monsters, special items,unique dungeons which RotMG does not have.
RotMG requires gold to buy things, whereas in Nilly's Realm, you can use Fame ( which is obtained from dying with a character - No real money needed! ) to buy stronger stuff and equipment!
There are A LOT less hackers ( Not hacker-free ) as compared to RotMG which makes the game more fun and fewer people would ruin the fun for other people.
One thing that a lot of players dislike about RotMG is Pets, they make the game too easy. As a result, Nilly's Realm does not have any Pets whatsoever!
Just like RotMG, they have Forums and have categorized it, making it easier.
Nilly's Realm's forums :
Want to play Nilly's Realm?
Play it at :
I take no credit in owning Nillys Realm. It is created by Nilly.
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