Thanks To...

Thanks to... is level 145 in the MS (Microsoft) computer game Chip's Challenge. It is only available in the MS version of the game.

The level is used to thank the people who converted Chip's Challenge from the Atari Lynx version to the Microsoft Windows version. It is only in the Windows (MS) version. It thanks the following people: Tony Kruger/Garcia,(password) Doug T. (toggle doors) Rob D. (tile floor in gravel) Ed Halley (random forcefloor surrounded by fire) Lisa F (dirt on the ice) and the WEP 4 test team (hint).

What makes it special
Besides having credits, it has a lot of things that make it different than the rest of the levels. For one thing, its title isn't in all caps. like the other levels (Such as LESSON 1 or CYPHER, ect.)
Also, it doesn't have a "border" (of Wall) around it. Another thing is that the title and the password put together make a phrase that makes sense. (if you look at the level title/password box when you first start the level, it reads "Thanks To... TONY") It also is different, because the hint doesn't have to do with gameplay. Instead of giving you information that will help you beat the level, it just thanks the WEP 4 test team, who helped to make the game by playtesting it. Another special thing is that the password is a real word, not random letters.

Influences on fan-made levels
Although it doesn't directly influence fan-made levels, it does indirectly influence them. A lot of them have some of the things this level have: title in lower cases, (not entirely in all caps.) no wall "border" around the level, having hints not relating to gameplay, (such as the meaning of the level title) and having passwords that are real words. Many fan-made levels reflect Thanks To... indirectly.
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