Niko Defence League

The Niko Defence League (Abbreviated: NDL) is a satirical political party and fan-group organization based in London, England.
The Niko Defence League was created by Niko Omilana in May, 2018 as a satirical political organization against the English Defence League.
2021 London Election
The founder, Niko Omlinana, announced that he, under the political party NDL, was going to run for the London mayor in the 2021 London mayoral election. After the announcement, he released a satirical manifesto, which included "free public transport for under 18s and over 69s". He also stated in the manifest a "6.9% increase for the minimum wage", and "Eid, Christmas, Diwali, Yom Kippur and Vaisakhi to become bank holidays." He also promised that he, and the party would "shush" Boris Johnson. Omniana placed 5th in the London mayoral election.
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