National Art Hate Week

National Art Hate Week ran from 13-20 July 2009 and was a largely imaginary and highly humorous event created by the "non-organisation" The British Art Resistance. British artists Billy Childish, Jimmy Cauty and art collective Harry Adams created the week to promote the public questioning the bureaucratic nature of the contemporary art world.
The artists involved questioned the ideas of permission, curatorship, commercialism and consensus within the art world using satirical and confrontational strategies. The campaign was largely imaginary and through its fictions sought to raise awareness of the wider public's opinions of the art world, as well as the way the art world was promoted and disseminated by those within it. According to The Guardian, "the point to take a closer, more honest look at what's on show in public galleries and be unafraid to loathe it violently".
Music, posters, stamps, fake membership cards and graphic works were produced by the group as part of the week, including a limited edition 7" single with art work by Jamie Reid by a group made up of the artists involved under the name Silent Revolt.
The group failed to hand out propaganda leaflets outside the Tate Modern gallery in London on 15 July 2010.
Future incarnations
The movement has been altered to World Art Hate Day for 2010 and will occur on 21 June 2010.
July 2009
"God Save Marcel Duchamp"
Silent Revolt (band includes James Cauty and Billy Childish and Harry Adams)
Notes and references
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