Mortonomous is a two-dimensional animated cartoon featuring a monkey named Mort and a camel named Kam. The cartoon was created by Nathan Bueddefeld who had no drawing or animating experience prior to this project. Drawn and animated in the style of older Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Nathan Bueddefeld was helped along the way by Matt Broeska to create Mortonomous.
When Chi Chi gives Mort and Kam tickets to a table tennis match, Kam is expected to get something for Chi Chi in return. While Kam is on his quest to get that special something, Mort tries to figure out whether the sport is called ping pong or table tennis.
Trailers In mid-February, a trailer was released for Mortonomous through the official website and on various other video-sharing websites.
Cast *Jadyn Klassen as Mort Schultz *Trevor Suffield as Kamel Kamel *Derek Bueddefeld as Chow Lui *Nathan Bueddefeld as Chi Chi
DVD Release
Mortonomous is to be released on DVD in late May 2008. Extras include the teaser trailer, production sketches, and a commentary by Nathan Bueddefeld.
Reception The response to Mortonomous was extremely warm during the premiere screening of the film on March 14, 2008 at the Globe Cinema at Portage Place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Technical specifications * Sound: Dolby Digital * Animated in Anime Studio Pro * Backgrounds drawn in Art Rage 2.5