Mohammed Kaabar

Mohammed Kaabar is the author of two self-published undergraduate mathematics textbooks. About his book A First Course in Linear Algebra, reviewer Tom Schulte writes "This text suffers from a lack of editing. The resulting printed errors or incomplete statements can confuse the reader new to the topic. ... Lacking a cohesive exposition of the topic at large, the result is islands of unassimilated facts, merely related trivia from the larger subject. ... This text reads like unfinished lecture notes that cannot be presented to or relied upon by a student". Shulte is less pejorative about the other book, A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations, writing merely that it "is a very bare bones introduction ... a mere categorization of examples".
Kaabar earned bachelor's and masters degrees in mathematics from Washington State University. He has worked as an adjunct math professor at Moreno Valley College.
* A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations (CreateSpace)
* A First Course in Linear Algebra (CreateSpace)
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