Mini-sub Takes a Dive in the Dead Sea

In November of 1999 Michael S. Sanders (born in 1939) was the first person ever
to take a submarine to the bottom of the Dead Sea.

While doing research for an article on the Five Cities of the Plain it was brought to Mr. Sanders attention via satellite imagerySatellite images of Dead Sea, that there were some anomalies in the Dead Sea that were unexplainable. Was it possible that these anomalies were the remnants of Sodom and Gomorrah, two of the five cities mentioned in the Bible?

An expedition by the Mysteries of the Bible Research Foundation was put together for the purpose of exploring this phenomenon. The mini-sub Delta owned and operated by Dr. Richard Slater undertook the expedition making several dives with members of the team. Dr. Slater and Mr. Sanders were the first to dive to the bottom of Dead Sea

This undertaking was not without the need for some creative diving, for the mini-sub would not sink. Extra weight was needed to counter the buoyancy of the salted waters. With that thought in mind the bottom of the sea is not littered with trash and garbage as is most bodies of water because it floats and ends up on the shore instead of the bottom. There were however, mounds covered with an unknown red material and apparent straight line structures covered in a thick layer of salt preserved for all time. Like most expeditions, there were more questions than answers to be had.

There was no definite answer for the members of the Dead Sea Research Center. But there was data to study and video to watch over and over for those who wanted to find the answers or ask more questions.

Tel Aviv University -

Mini-sub Delta - and Maps for the expedition

D.Lang article -

Pictures and video of underwater sites

Note: Bible Mysteries is not Mr. Sanders personal website. It reflects the work of Bible Mysteries Research Foundation.

--Leahcimrof (talk) 11:03, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
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