tbaMUD is a MUD codebase, released by The Builder Academy. It is the continued development of the codebase formerly known as CircleMUD written by Jeremy Elson, which is a derivative of DikuMUD that was written in 1990 by Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.

tbaMUD is an acronym for The Builder Academy Multi User Dungeon. It is both a codebase that can be used by MUD owners, and a training MUD that can be used to learn about how MUD building and administration works.

TbaMUD is highly developed from the programming side, providing a highly stable, developed, organized, and well documented "blank slate" MUD on which a MUD owner can put their own ideas for spells, skills, and classes.

Release information
The last CircleMUD was version 3.5, which was released at the CWG Project website on December 11 2006

tbaMUD was first released as version 3.51 on February 24 2007

tbaMUD v3.52 was released on November 29 2007

Technical information
The latest version of tbaMUD released by The Builder Academy was 3.54. It was released on November 29, 2007.

tbaMUD is written completely in the C programming language.

It differs from CircleMUD in that is has world building facilities and a scripting language for game events built in. It uses OasisOLC as the online creation utility and DG Scripts as it's scripting language.

tbaMUD also has ASCII player files, allowing for easy editing.
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