Michal Rafaeli-Kaduri

Michal Rafaeli-Kaduri is a media professional, one of the founders of mutli-channel television industry. She has served as VP Regulation for yes DBS, chairwoman of Zira (the Israeli copyright protectors group), chairwoman of the Israeli Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council and part of the founding group of Golden Channels (Arutzey Zahav).
Rafaeli-Kaduri is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she studied The arts and Theater history. During her studies she also served as secretary to two Israeli presidents, Ephraim Katzir and Yitzhak Navon.
Between 1980 and 1989 she was Shulamit Aloni’s right hand, oversaw Ratz party parliament activities, and was the party’s spokeswoman and communication advisor.
In the years 1990-1992 Rafeali-Kaduri was one of the first employees of Golden Channels (Arutzey Zahav) Cables Company where she managed a content department, acted as the editor of the company’s TV guide and was in charge of public relations, lobbying activities and publicity.
Between 1992-1993 she was the television advisor to Israel’s Minister of Education and Culture, Shulamit Aloni, Initiated and coordinated the “Livny committee” reviewing the Israeli Broadcast Authorities and served in the board of the Israel Broadcasting Authority, as the minister's representative.
Between 1993 and 1997 she served as the chairwoman of the Israeli Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council, and as an executive in Israel's Ministry of Communications. During her time in the office, she defined and oversaw the government policy for all aspects of broadcast services, development and expansion of the cable broadcast in Israel, and the emergence of competition in the multi-channel television in Israel. Rafaeli-Kaduri headed the RFI team for the multi-channel satellite services bid, initiate the bill for dedicated channels and managed tenders for the Shopping channel and the Arabic channel. She participated in setting up the Israeli Audience Research Board, started the funding project for the Israeli community broadcast, and allocated funds from Cable companies royalty and government funds to set up The Keren Makor fund, for the encouragement of Israeli original TV productions, to which she joined as an executive 25 years later.
In the years 1999-2018 she served as VP Regulation and manager of external channels for the company Yes. Until 2014 she also served as an executive member of the Content department and was in charge of external channel acquisitions.
In 2011 she participated in founding Zira (the Israeli copyright protectors group) and served as its MD and chairwoman of the board.
In 2018 she founded the Shulamit Aloni Prize foundation, together with Prof. Amit Schejter.
She is a board member of CoPro - the Israeli Content Marketing Foundation, The Makor Foundation for Israeli Films, R.A. (Keren Makor), and The The Arab-Hebrew Theater.
Following her experience in television programs, she was nominated in June 2020 to the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation, as the public representative.
Rafaeli-Kaduri is married to Dov Kaduri, she has two daughters and they live in Mevaseret Zion.
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