Mexican triathlon

The Mexican Triathlon is a drinking challenge invented by Steven Sorenson and Adam Murray of San Luis Obispo, Ca.
The Mexican Triathlon involves drinking a shot of tequila, a margarita and a bottle of mexican beer as fast a possible. There are a few guidelines for how the drinks must be consumers.
The Shot- Must be at least 1.5 ounces of any tequila, chilled or not chilled, and salt and lime are optional.
The Margarita- Must be a margarita on the rocks in a 12oz. glass or bigger (frozen margarita is acceptable, but must more difficult). THE MARGARITA MUST BE CONSUMED THROUGH ONE STANDARD BAR STRAW.
The Beer- Must be a Mexican beer consumed out of a bottle. NO POURING IT INTO A PINT GLASS>
The Challenge: The player must start their own timer, finish the shot, the margarita through the straw, the bottle of beer and then stop their timer.
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