Super Pringles

Super Pringles is a drinking game, based around the existing Beer Pong, which was invented during 2008's festival season.
How To Play It
Required equipment for an ideal game
- A few (probably between 3 and 20) People wanting to get extremely intoxicated using alcohol, whilst also socialising.
- A Pringles tube (substitutes are sometimes used, but the pringles tub is shaped perfect for the game).
- A Ping Pong/Table Tennis ball.
- Some liquid (preferably water).
General Rules
Start by eating/emptying the tube of pringles, then fill up the tube with whatever liquid you feel like (water's ideal) until its full enough to float the ball in the top, without spilling easily, as to prevent accidentally kicking it over.
Players must sit in a cirle (on chairs or on the floor) around the tube, which is placed in the middle, they then take it in turns to indivually throw the ping pong ball, aiming to get it into the tube.
When the ball lands on the floor after a shot, the nearest/fastest player to pick it up gets the next shot, to keep all of the players involved, they must pass the ball to whomever they wish if they pick it up twice.
If the player manages to get the ball into the tube, they get to point at/pick another player, who then has to drink a decided amount of their alcoholic drink - usually ""two hefty swigs"" if a weak drink (beer or cider) or ""two shots"" of stronger drinks (like jagermeister, sourz or rum).
This player (having just drank) then has the ball for the next shot.
If the ball bounces off the rim of the tube, other players can (/must) aim to catch the ball before it hits the floor.
If a player other than the thrower catches a ball bounced off the rim, the thrower then has to drink one hefty swig or one shot, and the catcher has the ball for the next go..
-If the thrower can bounce the ball off the rim of the tube, and catch it again, they get another throw (very rare)
Where it came from
A group of students from the Peterborough area of England invented this game at Download Festival 2008, simply by eating the contents of a Pringles tube, Finding a ping pong ball that they had previously used to play a drinking game called Beer Pong (which is now widely known in many places around the world).
At first the aim was just to get the ball into the tube, then after finding it hard to get out, they filled the tube with water to prevent the ball from getting stuck or the tube falling over. After playing around, they started to invent rules, and stakes (to choose who drinks after successfully scoring) and eventually came to a very addictive game that has yet to end in sober players complaining of boredom.
Simply put, Super pringles was just a unique way to call it the pringles game.
It was dedicated to Bob Ross, and is often reffered to as simply Bob Ross, at the time of dedication, the inventors were very intoxicated with a hefty amount of alcohol.
Why it has become recognised
After a few players start to get into the game, they will most likely find that; when someone gets the ball in the tube, the players can start to build little rivalries (albeit never serious, it adds a unique twist to the game).
As people get more and more into catching the rebound from the rebounded throws, it gets really competitive and the players can't help but get stuck into playing it, the result usually generating a positive, and somewhat competitive atmosphere.
Obviously, there are no real winners or losers of the game.
Super Pringles is really a game about having fun with people close to you, or for "breaking the ice" with people you aren't too familiar with, everyone seems to get involved in the game and it always ends up with a good vibe afterwards.
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