Vicky Tequila

Vicky Tequila is a drinking game that involves 3 or more players, shots of Tequila and 'The Tequila Song' by The Champs.
Vicky Tequila is a drinking game that originates from Manchester University. It is popular amoung students there and is frequently played at bars, parties and large gatherings by sports teams, societies and groups of friends.
The players (preferably 3+) sit in a circle with 5 shots of Tequila in front of them. Next, someone turns on ("The Tequila Song") by The Champs. After the introduction everytime the trumpet pauses anyone can shout 'Tequila'. If a player is the only one to shout it, then they pass one of their shots onto another player of their choice. If two or more players shout "Tequila!" at the same time then they have to down one of their own shots. At the end of the song with 20 seconds to spare, the trumpeting stops and this is followed by rhythmic clapping. During this time players must down their remaining shots, including any that may have been passed over to them. This can then be followed with another round by refilling the shot glasses and playing the song again.
The game is famous for being played with Tequila but it is possible to be played with many other drinks as well. One of the most common is for a beer to be divided into the 5 shot glasses which means that players will get less drunk than with tequila due to the much lower alcoholic content and many more rounds of the game can be played.
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