
Methuselarity is coined by Aubrey de Grey as a new term for "Actuarial escape velocity" which means that Life expectancy increases slightly every year as treatment strategies and technologies improve. At present, more than one year of research is required for each additional year of expected life. Actuarial escape velocity occurs when this ratio reverses, so that expected years of remaining life actually increase each year.
The concept was first publicly proposed by David Gobel, founder of the Methuselah Foundation. The idea has been championed by biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey and futurist Ray Kurzweil. These two claim that that by putting further pressure on science and medical to focus research on increasing limits of ageing, rather than continuing along at its current pace, more lives will be saved in the future, even if the benefit does not immediately seem apparent.
Calorie restriction has been presented as a piece of the puzzle of reaching actuarial escape velocity
Methuselarity is coined by Aubrey de Grey in his Essay on Sep. 14, 2009: The Singularity and the Methuselarity.
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