CARE-TO-CURE is the only student organization at the University of California - Davis that is aimed at fighting against childhood cancer. CARE-TO-CURE raises funds for children afflicted by cancer, spreads community and campus awareness, and brings hope to these children and their families. CARE-TO-CURE was founded by Elena Lyustina, a UC Davis undergraduate, in 2008. Lyustina felt compelled to found CARE-TO-CURE after interning in the Child Life ward at the University of California, Davis Medical Center. CARE-TO-CURE organize fundraisers, campus events, and create personal relationships with these children and their families by visiting them at different facilities. CARE-TO-CURE is also affiliated with St.Judes Children's Research hospital and is part of the Up Till' Dawn Project at UC Davis. Up 'till Dawn is a student run and student led philanthropic program that unites students from all walks of campus life, staff, and the Davis community with the goal to end childhood cancer once and for all. Students help raise awareness and support for St. Jude Children's Research hospital through a variety of activities. At the end of the program campuses host an all-night Finale Event and literetly stay Up 'till Dawn. Students give up a night of sleep in honor of the patients at St. Jude who bravely fight cancer. We celebrate our efforts for St. Jude and, at dawn, find out much their campus raised to advance the mission of finding cures and saving children, so that patients can grow up and go to college, too. CARE-TO-CURE is significant/important because it is the first and only student-run organization on the University of California, Davis campus that focuses on raising money for organizations which help fight childhood cancer. CARE-TO-CURE raises money through fundraisers throughout the Davis, California community (such as Woodstock's Pizza fundraisers). CARE-TO-CURE is ran solely by UC Davis students. CARE-TO-CURE also takes part in local events to support/ raise money for cancer awareness such as the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life at the University of California, Davis. CARE-TO-CURE is sponsored by Caprii Media -an online marketing and web design company. CARE-TO-CURE has been blogged about on Agents Paying it Forward. References: 1) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=47611998865 2)"care+to+cure"&cd1&hlen&ctclnk&glus&client=google-coop-np 3) http://agentspayingforward.blogspot.com/2009/02/care-to-cure-this-is-whats-right-with.html 4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YED381OEhl8 5) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Caprii-Media/21157844959#/pages/Caprii-Media/21157844959?vwall&viewas3229363 6) http://daviswiki.org/Care-to-Cure 7) http://wikispot.org/care-to-cure 8) http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid2d43a631893a8110VgnVCM1000001e0215acRCRD&vgnextchannelf7d7bfe82e118010VgnVCM1000000e2015acRCRD 9) http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f2bfab46cb118010VgnVCM1000000e2015acRCRD 10) http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/welcome/index.html 11) http://www.ucdavis.edu/index.html 12) http://www.ucdavis.edu/search/directory_results.shtml?filter=elena%20lyustine 13) http://agentspayingforward.com/charities/listing/caretocure 14) http://www.woodstocksdavis.com/escal/cal.php 15) http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=49606009795